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BRITANNIA NEWS Weekly Newsletter Issue 31 9

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1 BRITANNIA NEWS Weekly Newsletter 24.5.2019 Issue 31 9
YEAR 6 AT PIONEER GYM SCHOOL NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY WELL DONE TO OUR MAY GOLD BOOK WINNERS: RECEPTION - Michael McKenna YEAR 1 - Erin Saxon YEAR 2 - To be announced next month YEAR 3 - Jack Wall YEAR 4B - Evie Stone YEAR 4H - Charlotte Ferris YEAR 5 - Ismaeel Ibraheem YEAR 6 - Lucy Lord ZOOLAB VISIT On Monday Reception and Year 5 had a visit from a Zoolab Ranger who brought a variety of animals and creatures. NON-UNIFORM DAY Thank you to everyone for the donations received for our Non-Uniform Day today. A total of £134 has been raised which will be used to fund our new Reading Hut. YEAR 6 ROBINWOOD MEETING A reminder that there is a meeting on Monday 3rd June at 5.30 p.m. for Year 6 parents regarding the Robinwood residential visit. YEAR 1 PHONICS CHECK Phonics checks are scheduled to begin week commencing 10th June. MAY 27th-31st Half Term JUNE 3rd Year 6 Robinwood Meeting 5th New Parents Meeting 17th-18th Year 6 Bikeability 19th-20th Year 5 Bikeability 21st Robinwood weekend 30th Carnival JULY 1st Year 5 Numeracy/Literacy Event at Fearns Reception Class Assembly 6th May Day – school closed 25th Year 4 Class Assembly/Year 3B & 3H Trip SPORTS NEWS PUPIL VOICE EXTRA CURRICULAR – AFTER EASTER On Wednesday our school Football ‘B’ Team played a friendly match against St Anne’s Primary School. It was a really competitive match and all members of our squad played very well. The school’s ‘A’ Team will be in action next on Wednesday 5th June, with a home quarter-final match against St Paul’s Primary School. Mon Running Club/Newspaper Club/KS1 Zumba Tues Rec/Yr1 and Yr2 Choir Weds Hula Hooping - lunchtime Thurs Choir/KS2 Basketball Fri Hula Hooping KS1 By: Lucy and Leo, Year 6 On Tuesday Year 6 went to Pioneer Gym to raise money for their trip to Cadbury World in July. We interviewed Adam and Max in Year 6. They said that they enjoyed the equipment but their favourite machines were the treadmill and steppers. Afterwards they got sprayed by a fire hose – it was great fun! Britannia CP School T: E: W:

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