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Spellodrome Willow Class Newsletter 2nd Feburary 2018

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1 Spellodrome Willow Class Newsletter 2nd Feburary 2018
Mathletics homework has been set this week, lets see how many more of the class can get their BRONZE and SILVER awards. Times Tables is 3,5 and 6. Don’t forget we are also going to be having daily times tables test so remember, practice, practice, practice. Willow Class Newsletter 2nd Feburary 2018 Diary Dates Year 6 go to France Finish for half term Inset Day Children return to school Mathletics Certificates Can you use grid method to work out these caluculations? 2 x x x x 83 4 x x x x 392 23 x x x x 582 Additional Grammar Challenge Can you use these words and write them into sentences? Infested Appalling Pungent Dishevelled Ferocious Ancient Vermin Comprehension Task- TEST BASE Please read through the extract attached and answer the questions attached. We have done a lot of reading comprehension activities this week so I want you to remember what we discussed about USING EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT, don’t just make up what you think unless the question asks for your opinion. We have done lots of comprehension this week so I am excited to see how much you’ve learned. We will go through the answers in class on Friday morning. . Groovy Grammar Challenge Super sentence openers. Can you write five examples of fronted adverbal phrases for ‘when’? Before the sun rose, After the sun set, Spellodrome Please log in to Spellodrome to complete your weekly tasks.

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