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News you can use Updates on IDEA Section 618 data

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Presentation on theme: "News you can use Updates on IDEA Section 618 data"— Presentation transcript:

1 News you can use Updates on IDEA Section 618 data

2 The Panel Moderator: Presenters:
Richelle Davis – US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program, Research to Practice Division Presenters:  Meredith Miceli – US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program, Research to Practice Division Becca Smith – US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program, Research to Practice Division Liz Fening – US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, EDFacts Team Julia Redmon – AEM, EDFacts Team Beth Sinclair – AEM, EDFacts Team

3 IDEA Data Quality Reviews
OSEP and EDFacts 2019 Summary

4 IDEA Data included in DQ Reviews
12 data collections authorized under Section 618 Part B (1) Child Count; (2) Educational Environments (3) Personnel; (4) Exiting; (5) Discipline; (6) Dispute Resolution (7) Assessment (8) Maintenance of Effort Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services Part C (9) Child Count; (10) Settings (11) Exiting; (12) Dispute Resolution

5 DQ Review Process Define Data Checks: EDFacts works with the data stewards (OSEP) to determine DQ rules for the year Complete Review at File Due Date EDFacts and program office teams prepare DQ reports Review data to identify anomalies/unexpected values (Timeliness, Completeness, Accuracy) Teams review State Submission Plan (SSP) Comments, PSC tickets, OMB Max (IDEA only), and EMAPS Assessment data (Assessment only) Program office teams may alter or remove comments based on state explanation Delivery DQ Reports: Provide feedback to State in DQ reports Coordinated assessment review sent through PSC and all other IDEA DQ reports posted on OMB Max States Respond: Data providers resubmit or provide detailed data notes Final Review: After final due date, review data and assesses quality that informs internal data use, final public file production and public data notes document

6 IDEA Business Rules All IDEA Business Rules are published in the Business Rules Single Inventory (BRSI) on the EDFacts Initiative website including: ESS business rules Post-Submission DQ rules

7 State Notes Thank you for providing very thoughtful responses and feedback to the last round of outreach!

8 Annual IDEA DQ Review Calendar
January February March April May June July August IDEA Discipline, Exiting, Personnel IDEA Child Count IDEA MOE/CEIS IDEA Assessment *DQ blocks above indicate when DQ feedback is sent out to data providers to resubmit and/or provide state data notes

9 IDEA DQ Results Summary
Summary of results and most prevalent issues Discipline, Exiting, Personnel (November collections) Assessment Child Count MOE/CEIS

10 On report format, delivery, etc…
Feedback On report format, delivery, etc…

11 EDFacts Reporting System (ERS) Reports
ERS prefill reports status Reports are being discontinued A replacement Potentially, IDEA Part B data managers can run a data extract through EMAPS

12 IDEA Part B ESS Data Reports
Proposed data extracts to replace retired ERS IDEA reports

13 IDEA Part B ESS Data Reports
The user would be prompted to select a school year and one of five IDEA Part B collections: Assessment Child Count Discipline Exiting Personnel

14 IDEA Part B ESS Data Reports
The system would generate an Excel data extract for the selected school year and collection, and put it in an IDEA Part B reports folder

15 IDEA Part B ESS Data Reports
Sample Data Extract:

16 IDEA Section 618 Data Collection & Reporting
Current IDEA Section 618 Data Quality Work: LEA Level Part B Child Count

17 LEA Data Quality Review
Shifting review to OSEP and IDEA data managers in Summer 2020 Practice review starting in late July/early August 2019 Webinar coming soon Will spend the coming year helping States prepare Review will mimic SEA review and address: Timeliness Accuracy Completeness

18 IDEA Section 618 Data Collection & Reporting
Upcoming Changes to the IDEA Section 618 Part B Data Collections

19 Part B Child Count and Educational Environments – FS002 & 089
Report 5 year old children with disabilities who are in kindergarten in the School Age data file (FS002) Continue to report 5 year old children with disabilities who are in preschool in the Preschool data file (FS089) OSEP will provide flexible for a 1-year transition period Reporting the 5 year old kindergartners in FS002 will be: optional for the 2019 Part B Child Count and Educational Environments data (due April 1, 2020). Required for the 2020 Part B child Count and Educational Environments data (due April 7, 2021) Please provide a data note if your states continues reporting 5 year old kindergarteners in FS089 for the 2019 Part B Child Count and Educational Environments data collection (due April 1, 2020).

20 Part B IDEA Personnel Data – FS070 & 112
Report staff employed or contracted to provide services to 5 year old children with disabilities who are in kindergarten with in the “6-21”/ school age group. Clarification will be provided in the file specifications for FS070 and FS 112 OSEP will provide flexible for a 1-year transition period for states to implement this change

21 Part B IDEA Assessment Data – FS 175 & 178
Assessment performance counts will be reported by “proficient” & “not proficient”, instead of by individual performance levels. States are expected to report in this way for the Assessment data, due December 2020.

22 IDEA Section 618 Data Collection & Reporting
MOE Reduction & CEIS Data Collection

23 Reminders about MOE and CEIS Data
Report the amounts that were reserved for CEIS instead of the funds expended Only report the amount of local and/or State funds that were reduced pursuant to Section 613(a)(2) (C). Please use the LEA/ ESA update flags as appropriate: 1 – LEA/ESA Name Change 2 – Remove LEA/ESA from report 3 – LEA/ESA added to report 5 – NCES ID Change 6 – Closed LEA/ESA with Data (NEW in the last submission!)

24 Reminders about MOE and CEIS Data
Reporting on the LEA/ ESA meeting the MOE compliance standard and returning funds to the Department: B5 – only report NA if: LEA/ESAs with Update Flag 3 (new) or Your state/entity is a unitary system or BIE If B5 = No or NA, then B6, B7, and B8 = NA If B6 = Yes or NA, then B7 & B8 = NA If B7 = No or NA, then B8 = NA

25 Reminders about MOE and CEIS Data
B7: By the date of this data submission, did the State return non- Federal funds to the Department based on the failure of the LEA/ESA to meet the MOE compliance standard in the reference year? B8: What amount of non-Federal funds did the State return to the Department based on the failure of the LEA/ESA to meet the MOE compliance standard in the reference year? Report funds that have been returned as of the date of the data submission.

26 Clarifications related to MOE and CEIS Data
Only report on Federal IDEA funds when reporting the amount of funds reserved for and the number of children who received CEIS Only report the amount of funds reserved for CEIS for the reporting year – do not include any funds that were carried over for CEIS from the previous year

27 Upcoming Change to MOE and CEIS Data Review
If NA was reported for the previous year’s 611 allocations (A2A) AND/ OR If NA was reported for the LEA determination (B2) AND An update flag of 3 (to indicate a new LEA/ ESA) is reported THEN No comment will be sent back to the state

28 IDEA Section 618 Data Collection & Reporting
Part C Data Collections

29 Part C Corner Another great year of reporting!
Part C Exiting- 12 month reporting periods Reaction to the new EMAPS platform

30 Technical Assistance on IDEA Data

31 Update on 373 TA Status for currently funded centers Future funding
IDC DaSy CIID CIFR Future funding

32 Data Use & Analysis

33 Why Is Data Analysis and Use Important?
“Most of the world will make decisions by either guessing or using their gut. They will be either lucky or wrong.” -Suhail Doshi, CEO, Mixpanel

34 How is OSEP using IDEA data?
Policy Decisions Grant Priorities Monitoring Results Driven Accountability Determinations If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. - Peter Drucker

35 Who is represented in IDEA Data?
388 thousand Part C infants and toddlers 4.9 thousand Special Education Paraprofessionals 773 thousand Part B students ages 3-5 5.2 thousand Special Education Teachers 6.1 million Part B students ages 6-21 Data Source: IDEA Public Release Files: Personnel , B Child Count and Ed Environments , C Child Count and Settings Single Day Count

36 Child Count

37 C Child Count Trends – US and Outlying Areas

38 B Child Count Trends – US and Outlying Areas

39 There is wide variation in the number of students served in each State
California New York Texas Florida

40 Disability categories

41 Thirteen disability categories under IDEA
B Child Count, ,US Freely Associated States, and Outlying Areas totals

42 Frequency of disability categories is changing
B Child Count

43 Educational environment

44 Students are more likely to be spending 80% or more of the day inside regular classes

45 Students are slightly less likely to spend between 40 and 79% of the day in regular classes

46 Students are less likely to spend 40% or less of the day in regular classes

47 Part B exiting

48 More students are exiting school with a regular high school diploma

49 Regular high school diploma rates increasing across most disability categories

50 Certificate rates declining slightly

51 Drop out rates declining slightly

52 Part C exiting

53 Percent of Part C Exiters by Exiting Category

54 There is wide variation between States in C exiting categories

55 Thank You “Things get done only if the data we gather can inform and inspire those in a position to make [a] difference.” – Mike Schmoker, former school administrator, English teacher and football coach, author. IDEA data have a direct impact on improving the lives of children with disabilities. We continue to rely on you and are grateful for the valid, reliable data you provide each year.

56 Converse with the Crew

57 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

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