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Handout 2 Values/Expectations Matrix

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1 Handout 2 Values/Expectations Matrix
School Grounds e.g., Respect; Be Respectful, etc.) (e.g., Stay in your own space) An Event of the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation J. Bacon, February 2014

2 Handout 3 C O L T An example lesson plan – good to create lesson plans so it’s easy to teach them by picking up a handbook. Of course, it’s ok to create your own or use other lessons, as long as the same expectations are used and students have opportunities to practice. (from a PBS handbook for a school in Eugene, OR, USA) 30/10/2019 SK CEC Workshop

3 Handout 4: Behaviour Tracking Form
30/10/2019 SK CEC Workshop

4 An Event of the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation
Handout 5: Minor/Major Problem Behaviour Minor Major Defiance / Disrespect /Non-compliance Engages in brief or low intensity failure to respond to an adult request Defiance/ Disrespect / Non-compliance Engages in refusal to follow directions, talks back and/or delivers social rude interaction Disruption Engages in low-intensity but inappropriate interruption of a class activity Engages in behaviour causing an interruption in a classroom activity, including sustained loud talk, yelling; noise with materials, horseplay; and/or sustained out-of-seat behaviour Inappropriate language Engages in low-intensity instance of using words that are not appropriate for school Inappropriate/ Abusive language Delivers verbal messages that include swearing, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way Physical contact / aggression Engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact Physical Aggression/ Fighting Engages in actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, biting, kicking, hair pulling, scratching) Property misuse Engages in low-intensity misuse of property Property Damage Participates in an activity that results in the destruction or disfigurement of property Saying something that is not true Knowingly delivers a message that is not true An Event of the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation J. Bacon, February 2014

5 Is the problem behaviour
Handout 6: Application of Consistent Consequences for Problem Behaviour Processes for Responding to Problem Behaviour NO Is the problem behaviour serious (major)? YES Talk with the student. Problem solve and make a plan with the student. Ensure safety. Take the student somewhere else. Determine a short-term plan. Follow through with the short-term plan. Teach the appropriate behaviour. Provide for practice. Determine the long-term plan. Make a note of the behaviour using a consistent format (ODR Form). Provide positive reinforcement when you see the appropriate behaviour.

6 References/Resources - PBS
Alberta Department of Education. (2012). Supporting behaviour and social participation. Retrieved from Alberta Department of Education. (2008). Supporting positive behaviour in Alberta schools. Currently not available in full text and can only be ordered in Alberta (but an excellent resource). BC Positive Behaviour Support Website. Mount Royal University. (2012). Positive behaviour supports for children. Retrieved from National Centre on Response to Intervention. Retrieved from 30/10/2019 SK CEC Workshop

7 References/Resources - PBS
OSEP Technical Assistance Centre on PBIS. What is school-wide pbis? Retrieved from University of British Columbia – Promising Practices Newsletters (6 issues) Pillay, M. Saskatchewan Bulletin (Newsletter for the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation) Vol./No , 81-03, Walker, H.M., Ramsey. E., & Gresham, F.M. (2003). Antisocial behaviour in school: Evidence-based practices (2nd ed). Australia: Thomson Wadsworth. 30/10/2019 SK CEC Workshop

8 References for Early Childhood
Baker, J. & Friedberg, J. (2009) Be a friend: Songs for social skills training. Available from Odin Books Hawken, L. & Schumann, J. (nd). Early prevention of problem behaviour: The behaviour education program for preschool. From the website (March 2013). Lentini, R., Vaughn, B.J., & Fox, L. (2007) Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior (Early Intervention Positive Behavior support, The Division of Applied Research and Education support Bruce Downs Tampa, FL. Taken from the website April 15, 2013 An Event of the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation J. Bacon, February 2014

9 References for Early Childhood
Sealy, B. & Stein-Schullman, C. (2003). Everything you need to know about behavior management: An early childhood curriculum. New York: YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities Network. or AND SCROLL DOWN Stormont, M., Lewis, T.J., & Beckner, R. (2005). Positive behavior support systems: Applying key features in preschool settings. Teaching Exceptional Children. 37(6), pp Also Implementing Positive behaviour support in early childhood and elementary settings. Available from An Event of the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation J. Bacon, February 2014

10 Upcoming Events Summer PBS Coaches’ Institute for 2016 limited to 30 participants; facilitated by Dr. Kent McIntosh, University of Oregon.  August 22-25, with follow up days on October 20, 21 and 22, 2016 in Richmond, BC. Making Connections Conference - Oct 19-21, 2016 (Richmond, BC) Saskatoon Preschool Foundation Workshops (Fall/Winter 2016) TBD (contact ) 30/10/2019 SK CEC Workshop

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