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Colour our World- a spring landscape Year 2 Term 4

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1 Colour our World- a spring landscape Year 2 Term 4
ENGLISH As Writers, we shall begin our term by reading ‘The Flower’ by John Light. We shall describe the character and setting before designing our own flower and creating a fact sheet all about it. After reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ we shall use our directional knowledge to write instructions to guide Jack through ‘Fairy tale land and safely home. Later in the term, we shall be using our learning on plant growth to write our own story poem which describes the growth of a seed to a plant. MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will be using our knowledge to measure and record the height of plants and the capacity of water. We shall also be measuring and comparing the heights and length of beanstalks linked to ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Later in the term, we shall apply our knowledge of fractions to divide and share amounts of food whilst compiling an ‘Eat well’ plate. We will also be applying our maths to art by naming and drawing 2D shapes to create our own Mondrian inspired collage. READING As Readers, we will be looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topic. We will focus on inferring the message within each story and linking this with our own experiences. Colour our World- a spring landscape Year 2 Term 4 P.E (Wednesday) As Athletes, we will be rugby players. We shall learn the rules of the game and take part in tag-rugby competitions. Our focus this term will be on teamwork. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit including trainers. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will develop key map skills. Children will explore a range of maps at a local, national and global level, developing their understanding of how to navigate around an atlas to find key countries, continents, oceans and seas along with devising their own maps and routes. We will learn how to ‘view from above’ looking at aerial photographs to spot human and physical features, understand simple map symbols, compass directions and develop key geographical vocabulary. HISTORY As Historians, we will continue to learn about the development of travel and transport throughout history. Alongside consolidating the children's understanding of chronology through using timelines and making comparisons between old and new forms of transport, we will focus on early travel methods of the Vikings, through to the invention of cars, trains and aeroplanes. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will have the opportunity to closely study plants and trees in the natural environment, taking measurements and making observational drawings. We shall plant a seed and a bulb and compare them as they grow. Later in the term we will set up a comparative experiment to observe what plants need to grow well, and watch the germination process first hand by growing our own grass heads. We shall begin to learn about plants we eat, and understand that farming involves creating the right conditions for food crops to grow. DT As Designers, we will learn about good food hygiene rules and using kitchen equipment to prepare food safely. Children will apply these skills when making and evaluating a healthy dip and dippers. We shall develop children’s understanding of the ‘Eat well’ plate and explain the importance of a healthy and varied diet. COMPUTING As Computer technicians, we will focus on programming. We will control a device using a sequence of direction and turn instructions, predicting outcomes and refining our instructions. We shall plan and enter a sequence of instructions on a floor robot specifying distance and turn to move around ‘Fairy Tale land’. ART As Artists, we will be printing using a number of techniques. We shall study the work of many artists who have used print to create their work and create our own art using natural materials. We shall also be flower pressing to create our own Spring inspired art. WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have number of exciting events happening in school: Forest School –every Thursday (Please ensure your child has a full Forest School kit in school) 7th March- Word book day Friday 8th March- Year 2 Parent event (2pm-3pm) 11th -15th March- Science week

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