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Examples of some of the false teaching: Forbidding of Marriage

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1 Examples of some of the false teaching: Forbidding of Marriage
1 Timothy 3:15: Paul wants Timothy to know how we are to conduct ourselves in the church. The great mystery that was hidden from man for thousands of years has now been revealed. Chapter 4 begins to deal with coming heresies and how to protect churches against them. Examples of some of the false teaching: Forbidding of Marriage Requiring Abstinence from Certain Foods Paul then proceeds to give Timothy additional specifics of how to live and what to teach.

2 1 Timothy 4:6-5:2 A Faithful Minister

3 Vs. 6, Instruct the brethren
Lay down principles for them to live by Advise, counsel Good Servant, minister Constantly Nourished, Gk. Present tense Good Doctrine, carefully followed Timothy had been raised by believing mother and grandmother. II Timothy 1:5

4 Vs. 7, Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths
Seems to have been an issue with the early church 1 Timothy 1:3-4: charge people not to devote themselves to myths…. 2 Timothy 4:3-4: will not endure sound doctrine….wander off into myths Titus 1:14: not devoting themselves to Jewish myths 2 Peter 1:16: we did not follow cleverly designed fables Consider that unbelievers claim the Bible is a book of myths and legends, yet Paul is saying to avoid.

5 Vs. 7, Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths
But rather train (exercise) yourself toward godliness. Greek term for train (exercise) is associated with one going to a gymnasium. Could be that some of the myths involved some of the things mentioned in verse 3-4, and this seems to be a lead into verse. 8.

6 Vs. 8, Godliness is far more profitable than physical training
Godliness holds a promise in this life and the life to come. The little benefit from physical training is only in the near term. Where is our emphasis? On what do we spend the most time?

7 Vs. 8, Godliness is far more profitable than physical training
Godliness is an emphasis Paul’s letter to Timothy ”Godliness” appears 15 (16 in ASV) times in most versions. 9 in 1 Timothy; 1 in 2 Timothy; 1 in Titus; 4 in 2 Peter (1 in Acts, ASV) Our world places great importance on appearance, physical conditioning, athletic competition, entertainment, wealth. Paul is emphasizing godliness, sound doctrine, faith, love, good works.

8 Vs. 10, To this end we toil and strive
Our hope is on the living God. Vs. 12, Let no man despise your youth Be an example (pattern) Word, conduct, love, faith, purity some versions add spirit (not in oldest mss)

9 Vs. 13, Give attention to reading, exhortation, doctrine
Public reading of scripture. Was practiced in synagogues (Luke 4:16) Was practiced in the early church (Col. 4:16) Exhortation: encouragement, admonition Doctrine: teaching instruction.

10 Vs. 15, Immerse yourself in these things
Give yourself entirely to them. Be diligent, take pains to be absorbed in them (NASB) So that your progress will be evident to all. Can people look at you and see your spiritual progress over the last few years?

11 Vs. 16, Take heed to yourself and on the teaching
Timothy was to not only teach truth, but live it. This would save both himself and those who hear him. How much good would his preaching have done if he didn’t live according to what he taught?

12 Chapter 5, How to deal with different individuals
Don’t (sharply) rebuke an older man, but encourage him as a father. Younger men as brothers. Older women as sisters. Younger women as sisters, with all purity.

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