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nEDM Preliminary Engineering Review Magnets & Magnetic Shielding

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Presentation on theme: "nEDM Preliminary Engineering Review Magnets & Magnetic Shielding"— Presentation transcript:

1 nEDM Preliminary Engineering Review Magnets & Magnetic Shielding
Subsystem overview Subsystem Specification & Components Subsystem Costs + Schedule Magnets & Cryogenic Shields (BF) R&D, Prototyping, Performance Room Temperature m-metal Shields (BP) Performance, Cost, Re-scoping Engineering Issues (JB) Mechanical, Cryogenic, Assembly Magnet/Cryoshield R&D, Design, Strategy Summary & Open Issues... ORNL 12/15/08

2 Design Document Draft (posted on web)

3 Principle Design Specifications
Note: B0 uniformity of 5x10-4 gives T2 ~ 3000s at 0.4K in 40cm cell = 15% loss of polarization over meas. cycle gives T2 ~ 1000s at 0.45K = 40% loss of polarization over meas. cycle Optimum T2 spec. = 30,000s But... <P> = 3000s <P> = 1000s

4 Subsystem Elements and People
WBS Number Work Package Work Package Leader 1.5.1 Four-Layer Conventional Shield Brad Plaster 1.5.2 Superconducting Shield Bob Carr 1.5.3 Constant Field Coil Ferromagnetic Shield 1.5.4 B0 Field Coil and Gradient Field Coils BF & BP 1.5.5 Dressed Spin Coils Riccardo Schmid 1.5.6 Field Monitors BP & BF 1.5.7 Test Cryostat 1.5.8 3He Spin-Holding Coil Ricardo Alarcon 1.5.9 3He Spin-Holding Coil Ferromagnetic Shield 1.5.10 Full System Tests of Magnet Package Brad Filippone

5 Project Costs NSF Total CD2 CostnCon
1.5 Magnets & Magnetic Shielding $2,429,619 1.5.1 Four-Layer Conventional Shield $1,459,173 1.5.2 Superconducting Shield $63,165 1.5.3 Constant Field Coil Ferromag. Shield $125,570 1.5.4 B0 Field Coil and Gradient Field Coils $215,108 1.5.5 Dressed Spin Coils $219,430 1.5.6 Field Monitors $116,201 1.5.7 Test Cryostat $0 He Spin-Holding Coil $92,681 He Spin-Holding Coil Ferromag. Shield $64,534 Full System Tests of Magnet Package $73,756 $2,842,470 $1,465,722 $100,277 $138,638 $284,275 $271,077 $116,201 $140,727 $141,630 $71,068 $112,856 Cost Basis is in Cost Sheets for Work Packages (to be reworked later this week!) Shield (see BradP), others based on prototype costs + vendor quotes

6 Project Schedule “Highlights”
Start Finish Work WP dur Dur+Sch Duration 1.5 Magnets & Magnetic Shielding Wed 2/14/07 Thu 5/30/13 19,844h 8359d 442.8d 2298d 1.5.1 Four-Layer Conventional Shield Wed 3/5/08 Mon 7/18/11 2,403h 1713d 313.2d 1231d 1.5.2 Superconducting Shield Wed 2/14/07 Sun 11/21/10 540h 720d 432d 1377d 1.5.3 Constant Field Coil Ferro Shield Wed 2/14/07 Mon 1/18/10 360h 480d 216d 1070d 1.5.4 B0 Field Coil and Grad Coils Wed 2/14/07 Mon 6/13/11 4,640h 903d 367.2d 1581d 1.5.5 Dressed Spin Coils Wed 2/14/07 Mon 8/8/11 3,216h 940d 442.8d 1637d 1.5.6 Field Monitors Wed 2/14/07 Tue 5/3/11 1,192h 750d 324d 1540d 1.5.7 Test Cryostat Wed 2/14/07 Wed 6/16/10 1,225h 514d 208.8d 1219d He Spin-Holding Coil Wed 2/14/07 Tue 1/31/12 2,983.98h 1265d 403.2d 1813d He Spin-Holding Coil Ferr Shield Wed 2/14/07 Fri 5/14/10 768h 480d 216d 1186d 1.5.10Full Sys Tests of Mag Package Tue 7/19/11 Thu 5/30/13 2,516h 594d 259d 682d Needs Work!!

7 Design Items to be Covered
Lower cryostat Magnet Package Upper Cryostat 3He Magnet & Ferromag. shield m-metal external Magnetic Shield Engineering the Subsystem

8 Magnets and Cryogenic Shields
System Component Radius [m] Length [m] Inner Dressed Spin cos θ Coil 0.50 4.16 Outer Dressed Spin cos θ Coil 0.59 B0 cos θ Coil +Gradient Coils 0.65 B0 Ferromagnetic Shield 0.67 Pb Superconducting Shield 0.69 3He cos q Coil 0.20 1.25 3He Ferromagnetic Shield 0.21 1.35

9 3He Holding Coil (upper cryostat)
Cosq magnet with ferromagnetic (Metglas) shield Design is similar to B0 magnet, but... Large penetration through side is needed for 3He injection Penetration has been modeled in TOSCA

10 TOSCA FEA simulations Cosq coil with hole for 3He injection Cosq coil
with symmetric gaps in shield and modified coil windings

11 Magnet Package (lower cryostat)

12 nEDM Magnet Package

13 Dressed Spin Coil Design
AC B-field of dressing coil produces eddy-currents in ferromagnetic shield Cosq coil with B1=1G, n = 2kHz  Power ~ 60 Watts Additional coil that mimics induced currents on superconducting cylinder reduces AC B-fields

14 Dressed Spin Simulation & Prototype
<|Bx|> (Gauss) I2/I1

15 p/2 Spin Rotation Coil Use inner dressing coil as p/2 coil...
Works well, thus remove separate coil Spin simulation

16 B0 R&D Progess Cryogenics tests (at 4K) completed on 1/7 scale coil with ferromagnetic (Metglas) shield and Pb SC shield SC shield very effective at limiting magnetic noise, but boundary conditions worsen uniformity – improved by Metglas 1/2 scale coil & ferromagnetic shield constructed Promising results suggest “... the resulting gradient will satisfy the CD-4 requirement”

17 1/7 Scale Coil 1/7 scale coil built with Al form and Al wire
Tested with Ferromag. & SC Pb shields Thanks to S. Balascuta (ASU) for TOSCA calculations nEDM November 2007 Collaboration Meeting B. Plaster

18 1/7 Scale Coil Map of Bx(z) for N=40 cos θ coil + Metglas + Pb at 4 K

19 ½ Scale Coil Design nylon/G10 spacers
match thermal contraction of Nb/Ti-Cu wire Rings slide in slots on acrylic tube acrylic tube 24” O.D. 7.5’ length 7  3-ring-sets of wire locators defines wire radius B. Plaster

20 As-built coil 3-ring set Nylon/G10 spacer stand-off rods
spring-loaded wire tensioners nEDM May 2008 Collaboration Meeting B. Plaster

21 ½ Scale Coil Completed Coil mounted in magnetic mapping device
Large dewar for 4K tests of ½ scale coil will arrive in Jan. 08

22 Ferromagnetic Shields for ½ scale Coil
Using 0.001” x 2” strips of Metglass 2705M Inner shield (3 layers on “sewar pipe”) provides more uniform field for B0 Outer Shield (4 layers on Sonotube shields room background)

23 ½ Scale Coil, no Metglas Shield

24 ½ scale prototype performance with two Metglas shields Recent coarse volume scan:

25 Gradient Coils x z z

26 Acceptance Testing Plan
m-metal shield vendors – measure shielding Assemble at Caltech – measure shielding ½ scale B0 package Measure heat loads, cooling times, uniformity, magnetic noise with Ferro. Shield + Pb Shield Test atomic magnetometers, SQUIDS(?), other Dressing coil Uniformity Active shield performance B0 testing Warm high-field tests Warm low-field testing in m-metal shield 77K horizontal high-field Magnet package thermal load

27 Synchrotron Lab (Caltech)
EDM B-mapper

28 Synchrotron Lab (Caltech)

29 Possible B0 Test Cryostat

30 Safety Issues For Subsystem
Hazards and Hazard Mitigation The principal hazards that have been identified for this subsystem are Electrical safety associated with magnet power supplies and degaussing circuits Alternating current: up to 20A at 3kHz for dressing coils AC magnetic fields: up to 5 gauss at 3kHz Hazardous materials: e.g. Pb, Metglas, G10 Craning of heavy loads To mitigate these hazards: Use UL approved power supplies wherever possible If this is not possible we will ensure that the power supplies satisfy the electrical safety requirements of ORNL. The magnetic fields that we produce within our apparatus will be shielded to a level comparable to ambient levels. MSDS will be provided for identified hazardous materials and personnel will be trained for use.

31 Additional Slides

32 Are the appropriate models/drawings provided for the sub-systems
Are the appropriate models/drawings provided for the sub-systems?  Are the drawing specifications appropriate? Are the components compatible with each other and the neighboring sub-systems? Have appropriate analyses and/or simulations been performed on the individual components?  These would include finite element, heat transfer, thermal contraction, etc. Do the present design specifications meet the material requirements set forth by the other sub-systems such as neutron activation/absorption, depolarization, magnetism, electrical conductivity, etc.? Are there any issues associated with assembly and/or service and repair? Have the appropriate acceptance tests been identified? Have the costs and delivery times been properly identified?  What options should be explored for value engineering?

33 Johnson Noise Estimates

34 Control of Systematics
3He Co-magnetometer monitors B-field changes “Dressed Spin” mode reduces sensitivity to external B-field variations Geometric Phase effect (false EDM due to motional field ) can be controlled with uniform B-fields (see next two talks...)

35 Temperature Profile

36 4 K Heat Shield Body and Supports – Symmetric Model
Heat Shield Body Support Ring Heat Shield/Magnet Package Locator Heat Shield/Magnet Package Mount Support Generic Magnet Package Heat Shield Body

37 Component Weight and Boundary Conditions
4 K Heat Shield Body and Support Rings Assembly – 770 lbs Calculated value using the density of Aluminum 1100-O Generic Magnet Package – lbs Calculated value using the density of G10 4 K Heat Shield/Magnet Package Locator Plate – 23 lbs Heat Shield/Magnet Package Mount Support – 13 lbs Analysis 1: Fixed restraint is applied to: heat shield body rear mount location backside magnet package flange Upstream mount adapter support Standard Gravity Load. Contact elements between dielectric roller and heat shield. Assumes no sliding and separation between faces or edges is allowed. Contact elements between heat shield body and support rings. Contact elements between bushings and support posts. Assumes no sliding and separation between faces or edges is allowed Analysis presents itself as a symmetric problem.

38 FEA Deformation Results – Heat Shield

39 FEA Stress Results Body Support Rings Heat Shield Body
Hoop Stress: 147 psi (tension) yield 5.00 ksi Deformation: in (max) Heat Shield Body Hoop Stress: 560 psi (compression) Deformation: in (max) Dielectric roller Contact Pressure: ~900 psi Bushing/Pin Contact Pressure: ~2027 psi

40 Summary First Order Analysis: Higher Order Analysis
Mesh quality – medium Mesh Statistics Nodes – Elements – 54599 Bolted Joints were not considered. Used bonded contact to reduce computational time. Higher Order Analysis Convergence/adaptive mesh Include bolted joints and frictionless contact

41 An interesting systematic effect
Geometric Phase Path-dependent phase E.g. Parallel transport of vector on sphere In Quantum Mechanics often called Berry’s phase

42 BE = E x v field Radial B-field due to gradient E x v field
changes sign with neutron direction

43 False EDM from Geometric phase
Pendlebury et al PRA (04) Lamoreaux and Golub nucl-ex/ Geometric phase gives false EDM that depend strongly on radial B fields perpendicular to B0 These result from dB0/dz

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