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Truth or Consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Truth or Consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Truth or Consequences



4 Book of Judges: Jews settle land Conquer nations Grow and prosper

5 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
- Judges 21:25

6 Obey → Blessings Disobey → Curses TRUTH =

7 Israel’s Disobedience
Failure to conquer pagan influences

8 Israel’s Disobedience
Failure to conquer pagan influences Idolatry becomes rampant

9 Israel’s Disobedience
Failure to conquer pagan influences Idolatry becomes rampant Idolatry persists

10 Israel’s Disobedience
Failure to conquer pagan influences Idolatry becomes rampant Idolatry persists Complete moral breakdown

11 Results of Disobedience
Began to invent their own religions Rape and murder Civil unrest Kidnapping

12 … everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
- Judges 21:25b

13 Low unemployment Best economy in 50 years Unmatched power
America Today Low unemployment Best economy in 50 years Unmatched power


15 America is wealthy BUT America is not healthy

16 ISRAEL America Immoral Leaders Leadership that condones immorality
3000 BC Immoral Leaders America 2019 Leadership that condones immorality

17 ISRAEL America Immoral Leaders “..what was right in their own eyes”
3000 BC Immoral Leaders “..what was right in their own eyes” America 2019 Leadership that condones immorality Relativism

18 Results of our Disobedience
Most new religions introduced to American society in the last 50 years deny Christ

19 Results of our Disobedience
Contempt for the “Rule of Law”

20 Results of our Disobedience
Acceptance of sexual perversity as normal

21 Results of our Disobedience
Social strife

22 Similar Disobedience = Similar Consequences

23 The people must turn back to God
The Solution: The people must turn back to God

24 Establish God’s word as the standard
The Solution: The people must turn back to God Establish God’s word as the standard

25 Reestablish the Word: In the home In society

26 Our goal should be to bring back God’s word as the standard for Law and personal conduct.

27 If we don’t live by God’s truth, we will certainly suffer the consequences.

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