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P&O Ferrymasters Driver Training Programme 2019 v1

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1 P&O Ferrymasters Driver Training Programme 2019 v1
Sheet Packs P&O Ferrymasters Driver Training Programme 2019 v1 TSE Ref - LRG-0015-SP low friction Sheet packs Issue 1

2 Essential Requirements
Trailer Headboard – EN 12642 Code L or equivalent 10t Code XL or equivalent 28t Stanchion Posts 80 x 80 x 5 mm 10t 100 x 100 x 4 mm 28t Straps 12 straps with forward blocking 34 Edge Protection LC 2000 daN or +

3 Strapping – opposing loops / ‘strangle strapping’
+ or Slide to show how opposing loops (also known as ‘Strangle Strapping’) is done. Note that edge protection is essential.

4 Strapping – opposing loops / ‘strangle strapping’
2 x 2 pairs of opposing loops per stack 8 x LC 2000 daN 28 x +

5 Restraining a Pyramid load
7 x LC 2000 daN 24 x + 1. Block it all forwards 2. Secure the top pack sideways 3. Secure the top pack rearwards - this will clamp the lower packs in place One other thing to look for with Stepped Loads is the overhang of the longer plates. If the bottom plates are 1.5 times the length of the upper packs then add another strap to stop the end plates flapping. CLICK [strap will appear].

6 Basic principles – add rear restraint
1 Forward - Blocked (posts, headboard, cross-over straps) 2 Sideways - Strangle strapped 3 Rearwards - Strapped 10 x LC 2000 daN + 30 x [This slide adds the rear restraint (shown with the H-frame).] [The strap line comes up automatically] Direction of travel The driver and the public are now safe! 6

7 Cross-over strap option
9 x LC 2000 daN + 34 x Front of stack aligned Forward – 2 Cross-over straps Sideways – Strangle strapped Rearwards – 2 Cross-over straps If you need to load some stacks away from the headboard, then you MUST secure them in the forward direction. This option shows cross-over straps at the front (and the rear). Make sure the packs are aligned at the front of the load so that the front cross-over straps cover all the packs.

8 + ‘H’ frame system Front of stack aligned 32 x
12 x LC 2000 daN + 32 x Front of stack aligned Forward – Timber H-frames with 2 straps Sideways – Strangle strapped Rearwards – Timber H-frame with 2 straps Alternatively this slide shows the use of timber H-frames that can be used to block in the forward or rearward directions.


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