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For the charge distributions shown on

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Presentation on theme: "For the charge distributions shown on"— Presentation transcript:

1 For the charge distributions shown on
the spherical conductors below, which field lines are most reasonable?

2 An electric charge of +1.0x106 C is spread
uniformly over one side of a styrofoam sheet by rubbing it with fur. Which of the following best represents the field lines near the sheet?

3 Which of the vectors best represents the electric field experienced at point P?

4 The negative particle in the figure below
is shot from the positive plate with a low velocity. Which dotted trajectory is most reasonable?

5 In the figure below, a metal slab is placed in an external electric field
1. The electric field inside the metal is (a) 0 (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. The answer in (1) is true because (a) the electrons inside the metal move until they no longer experience a force, and (b) electric fields cannot penetrate a metal (c) there is zero net charge in the metal

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