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Eligibility Monitoring Manual

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1 2019-20 Eligibility Monitoring Manual
Guidance for Monitoring Prep Welcome to the Eligibility Monitoring Manual – S: This presentation was created as a resource for Family Support Staff during Eligibility compliance monitoring. L: We know that family support services are multidimensional with many moving parts, and eligibility is like one piece to a bigger puzzle. It is a critical one as well. This resource provides an overview and may not cover all specific situations. M: The focus of this resource is to add transparency to the eligibility monitoring process and it is meant to be integrated with all protocols, standards, and procedures. M: This is a new resource and may be most useful if looked at in addition to the online training courses and the Early Learning Program Manual available through This is a new resource and may be most useful if looked at in addition to the online training courses and the Early Learning Program Manual available through The focus of this resource is to add transparency to the eligibility monitoring process and it is meant to be integrated with all protocols, standards, and procedures. We know that family support services are multidimensional with many moving parts, and eligibility is like one piece to a bigger puzzle. Welcome to the Eligibility Monitoring Manual. This presentation was created as a resource for Family Support Staff during Eligibility compliance monitoring. It is a critical one as well. This resource provides an overview and may not cover all specific situations.

2 Overview – This presentation covers:
Understanding of Eligibility Proof of: Income Age Why Eligibility Monitoring? Authority to Enroll Family Size Eligibility Section of a Family File Eligibility Status Monitoring Checklist Matrix ELMS PSESD Application Continuous Improvement Eligibility Verification Form What happens after an Eligibility Monitoring visit? Technical Assistance Corrective Action Plans L: This presentation will cover… What happens after an Eligibility Monitoring visit?; Technical Assistance; Corrective Action Plans Monitoring Checklist Matrix; PSESD Application Eligibility Verification Form; Proof of Income, Age, Authority to Enroll, This presentation will cover: Understanding of Eligibility; Why Eligibility Monitoring?; Eligibility Section of a Family File; Family Size, Eligibility Status; ELMS; Continuous Improvement;

3 Understanding of Eligibility
Eligibility is the process in which specific populations are invited, interviewed, and enrolled into an Early Learning Program. The Eligibility process includes the steps that capture why a family qualified for a program. The Eligibility process should reflect only one Eligibility Status for each family enrolled while adhering to the PSESD procedures. M: We want to have a shared understanding of eligibility. - Eligibility is a part of ERSEA that is non-changeable once a child is enrolled - if there is an error, it cannot be changed on the legal documents. An explanation should be added to the Family Contact Log or ELMS documentation. Eligibility is a part of ERSEA that is non-changeable once a child is enrolled - if there is an error, it cannot be changed on the legal documents. An explanation should be added to the Family Contact Log or ELMS documentation. The Eligibility process includes the steps that capture why a family qualified for a program. We want to have a shared understanding of eligibility. Eligibility is the process in which specific populations are invited, interviewed, and enrolled into an Early Learning Program. The Eligibility process should reflect only one Eligibility Status for each family enrolled while adhering to the PSESD procedures.

4 Why Eligibility Monitoring?
Eligibility Monitoring Occurs Annually Measures compliance Informs supports needed to increase accuracy A sample of files are reviewed PSESD’s Early Learning Procedures Monitoring is adapted based on feedback Other non-eligibility items may be tracked for data collection and quality improvement Eligibility Monitoring occurs annually Every year, data is collected to measure compliance, to inform continuous improvement, and to increase the accuracy of eligibility determinations. A sample of files are reviewed The files will be audited to see if the eligibility was completed in compliance with PSESD’s Early Learning procedures, which are aligned with Washington State ECEAP and Federal Head Start Performance Standards. Monitoring is adapted based on feedback Other documents not directly related to determining eligibility may be tracked during the monitoring season. This is done to reduce the number of ESD visitors and minimize disruptions for Early Learning Site Staff. Monitoring is adapted based on feedback. This is done to reduce the number of ESD visitors and minimize disruptions for Early Learning Site Staff. which are aligned with Washington State ECEAP and Federal Head Start Performance Standards. Other documents not directly related to determining eligibility may be tracked during the monitoring season. A sample of files are reviewed. Why eligibility monitoring? Eligibility Monitoring occurs annually. Every year, data is collected to measure compliance, to inform continuous improvement, and to increase the accuracy of eligibility determinations. The files will be audited to see if the eligibility was completed in compliance with PSESD’s Early Learning procedures,

5 The Eligibility Section of a Family File
Supporting Documents Proof of Income Proof of Child’s Age Proof of Authority to Enroll Proof of Family Size Voiceover Suggestions: S: The Eligibility section is the main tab Monitors review in a family file. L: Monitors expect to find: -a completed PSESD Early Learning application and Selection Points Chart -a completed Eligibility Verification Form or EVF -AND supporting documents or documentation used as verifications marked on the EVF M: These three pieces are all crucial for determining the correct eligibility as each file will be unique as it reflects each individual family. M: There will be instances where written documentation from the family and/or Family Support is needed to clarify the eligibility process to eliminate misinterpretation when the ESD, state, or federal reviewers look in the files. S: This is the tab that receives a PSESD audit and is conducted as we would expect a federal or state audit to happen. That is why documenting your work is critical. to eliminate misinterpretation when the ESD, state, or federal reviewers look in the files. This is the tab that receives a PSESD audit and is conducted as we would expect a federal or state audit to happen. That is why documenting your work is critical. These three pieces are all crucial for determining the correct eligibility as each file will be unique as it reflects each individual family. The Eligibility section is the main tab Monitors review in a family file. Monitors expect to find: a completed PSESD Early Learning application and Selection Points Chart; a completed Eligibility Verification Form or EVF; and supporting documents or documentation used as verifications marked on the EVF. There will be instances where written documentation from the family and/or Family Support is needed to clarify the eligibility process

6 The Eligibility Section of a Family File (cont.)
PSESD Application & Selection Points Chart Eligibility Verification Form (EVF) Documents verifying Income Age Authority to Enroll Family Size Family Contact Log T - M M: These are the documents Monitors review using the checklist/matrix to determine whether a file is in compliance. These are the documents Monitors review using the checklist/matrix to determine whether a file is in compliance: PSESD Application & Selection Points Chart; Eligibility Verification Form (EVF); Documents verifying Income, Age,

7 2019-20 Eligibility Monitoring Checklist Matrix
S: 1/ This is a copy of the checklist/matrix and it includes questions state and federal auditors will ask. Family Support Staff receive a copy of these questions during the scheduling process, before a monitoring visit occurs. M: 2/ The first row is the set of questions being asked for for all program models. Question 11 is reserved for ECEAP only sites. This year, Monitors will verify the information provided in documents matches the information in ELMS. L: 3/ Questions highlighted in a bright yellow indicate automatic Corrective Action Plans. For the question highlighted in bright green, if 50% or more files are out of compliance that will produce a Corrective Action Plan. All other questions determined out of compliance will receive technical assistance. S: More details about this specific process can be found in the Eligibility Monitoring Protocols. This can be found in the EarlyLearning website, under program manual, program administration, documentation and reporting. In the next slides, the eligibility documents and process is described in further detail. All other questions determined out of compliance will receive technical assistance. In the next slides, the eligibility documents and process is described in further detail. For the question highlighted in bright green, if 50% or more files are out of compliance that will produce a Corrective Action Plan. Question 11 is reserved for ECEAP only sites. This year, Monitors will verify the information provided in documents matches the information in ELMS. This is a copy of the checklist/matrix and it includes questions state and federal auditors will ask. Family Support Staff receive a copy of these questions during the scheduling process, before a monitoring visit occurs. The first row is the set of questions being asked for for all program models. Questions highlighted in a bright yellow indicate automatic Corrective Action Plans.

8 Eligibility Proof Of Authority to Age Family Size Income Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Monitors first look at the PSESD Early Learning application and Selection Points chart. Monitors first look at the PSESD Early Learning application and Selection Points chart.

9 Is the family receiving a monthly grant?
Child’s Name Date of Birth Page 2 Is the family receiving a monthly grant? Excluding the cover sheet, on the second page of the application, monitors will be looking to see if you have included the child’s name and birthdate. Monitors will be using this as a reference for age verification. Monitors will check the monthly grant section. This will give a preview of the income documentation. Monitors will check the monthly grant section. This will give a preview of the income documentation. Excluding the cover sheet, on the second page of the application, monitors will be looking to see if you have included the child’s name and birthdate. Monitors will be using this as a reference for age verification.

10 Parent/Guardian Name & Relationship
Page 3 IEP IFSP Parent/Guardian Name & Relationship On page 3 monitors will look to see whether the child has an IEP or IFSP. This may affect eligibility. Monitors will notice names and relationships of the parent/guardian(s). This will be checked against the documentation provided for income, authority to enroll, and family size. This will be checked against the documentation provided for income, authority to enroll, and family size. On page 3 monitors will look to see whether the child has an IEP or IFSP. This may affect eligibility. Monitors will notice names and relationships of the parent/guardian(s).

11 Page 4 Employment Information
Martha - Monitors will only look at page 4 to see if it is completed. Monitors will only look at page 4 to see Parent/Guardian employment information.

12 Family Information Page 5 Public Assistance Housing Information
On page 5 of the application, monitors will note family and housing information, and whether the family receives public assistance. Housing Information On page 5 of the application, monitors will note family and housing information, and whether the family receives public assistance.

13 Parent/Guardian Signature & Date
Page 6 Parent/Guardian Signature & Date Monitors will check to see if the application has met Head Start and ECEAP standards by being signed and dated by the parent/guardian. If this is missing, it will mean a Corrective Action Plan is needed. Monitors will check to see if the application has met Head Start and ECEAP standards by being signed and dated by the parent/guardian. If this is missing, it will mean a Corrective Action Plan is needed.

14 Eligibility Proof Of Authority to Age Family Size Income Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Next we will be looking at the eligibility verification form (EVF) Next we will be looking at the eligibility verification form (EVF).

15 EVF (Eligibility Verification Form)
The EVF is a legal document – and is the responsibility of the current Family Support Upon receiving an EVF, Family Support can check for discrepancies, and document in the Family Contact Log If any missing information is gathered with the family, document in the Family Contact Log The current Family Support is responsible to ensure that eligibility has been determined correctly and that the EVF is completed accurately. If the current Family Support did not verify eligibility, it is their responsibility to review the EVF and document any discrepancies or missing information in the Family Contact Log. If Family Support gather any missing information through their communication with the family, they may document in the Family Contact Log. If the current Family Support did not verify eligibility, it is their responsibility to review the EVF and document any discrepancies or missing information in the Family Contact Log. The current Family Support is responsible to ensure that eligibility has been determined correctly and that the EVF is completed accurately. If Family Support gather any missing information through their communication with the family, they may document in the Family Contact Log.

16 EVF (Eligibility Verification Form) Page 1
Child Name, Date of Birth, In Person or Phone Interview Eligibility Period Family Income Frequency Family Size Name of Person Receiving Income T - M Page 1 Monitors verify each section is complete (if animate arrows, can name sections with audio) Child name date of birth In person or phone interview eligibility period family income Family size Name of person receiving income Annual total income from all sources And Current month income if needed Annual Total Income (all Sources) Current Month Income Monitors verify each section is complete: Child name date of birth; in person or phone interview; eligibility period; family income; family size; name of person receiving income; annual total income from all sources; and

17 EVF (Eligibility Verification Form) Page 2
Authority to Enroll Family size On page 2 of the EVF, monitors verify the documents provided match the documents marked on the EVF and that the information is accurate. (if animate arrows, can name sections with audio) On page 2 of the EVF, monitors verify the documents provided match the documents marked on the EVF and that the information is accurate.

18 EVF (Eligibility Verification Form) Page 3
Determine Eligibility Status Family Support Signature and Date Mark Dual-Enrollment Statement On page 3 of the EVF, Monitors verify that ONE eligibility status is checked and verified for the correct type of program and status, and that it is signed and dated by the family support who completed the enrollment. If the child has transferred classrooms, program, or center, the receiving Family Support is responsible for reviewing the accuracy of the EVF and documenting any discrepancies If the child has transferred classrooms, program, or center, the receiving Family Support is responsible for reviewing the accuracy of the EVF and documenting any discrepancies. and that it is signed and dated by the family support who completed the enrollment. On page 3 of the EVF, Monitors verify that ONE eligibility status is checked and verified for the correct type of program and status,

19 Eligibility Proof Of Income Age Family Size Authority to Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Proof of Income is next. Proof of Income is next.

20 Proof of income Audio Monitors :
Look for - a combination of income documents, statements, and Family Support documentation to reflect a family’s annual income – The use of the income worksheet is highly encouraged when there are multiple sources of income - It is important to document all work in the Family Contact Log It is important to document all work in the Family Contact Log. The use of the income worksheet is highly encouraged when there are multiple sources of income. Monitors look for a combination of income documents, statements, and family support documentation to reflect a family’s annual income.

21 Income Documents (1) Monitors verify:
Proof of income for each parent/guardian at time of enrollment Dates on EVF match dates of documents Documentation by Family Support or parent/guardian if necessary to explain circumstance Monitors: Verify proof of income for each parent/guardian(s) living in the same household as the child Verify the proof of income aligns with the eligibility timeframe reported on the Eligibility Verification Form (EVF). Monitors verify proof of income for each parent/guardian(s) living in the same household as the child. They verify the proof of income aligns with the eligibility timeframe reported on the Eligibility Verification Form (EVF).

22 Income Documents (2) Monitors verify:
Income documents in file match what is marked on the EVF Calculations from all documents match what is reported on EVF Documentation by Family Support or a parent/guardian if necessary to explain circumstance Monitors: Verify the income documents match what is marked on EVF Calculate total income provided through documents and compare to what is reported on EVF There is guidance on income calculations in the ELPM section EL – 5 Monitors verify that the income documents in the Eligibility tab match what is marked on the EVF. They also calculate the total income provided through the documents and compare what is reported on the EVF.

23 Income Documents (3) 12 months worth of income
Documentation by Family Support or a parent/guardian if necessary to explain circumstance Family Contact Log Statement of Income Self-declaration Statement by Parent/Guardian Calendar year or past 12 months Verify correct information used to determine income Monitors: Verify there are 12 months worth of income documents within the eligibility period. If there are gaps of time in documents, Monitors look for documentation explaining why. Monitors look for documentation in the Family Contact Log or for a Statement of Income or a self-declaration statement from a parent/guardian For eligibility timeframe, Monitors look for the past 12 months or the last calendar year Accuracy throughout the process is crucial, if there is ever a doubt in what to do and you cannot find the answer within the resources provided, reach out to the ERSEA Line for guidance - Accuracy throughout the process is crucial, if there is ever a doubt in what to do and you cannot find the answer within the resources provided, reach out to the ERSEA Line for guidance. For eligibility timeframe, Monitors look for the past 12 months or the last calendar year. If there are gaps of time in documents, Monitors look for documentation explaining why. Monitors verify there are 12 months’ worth of income documents within the eligibility period. Monitors look for documentation in the Family Contact Log or for a Statement of Income or a self-declaration statement from a parent/guardian.

24 Current Month’s income
Monitors seek documentation explaining why a current month’s income was used Used when there is a significant change in a family’s income due to death, divorce, or unexpected job loss A completed Statement of Income must be available in the family file EVF must reflect why current month’s income was used T - M A completed Statement of Income must be available in the family file, as well as an EVF must reflect why a current month’s income was used. For current month’s income, monitors seek documentation explaining why a current month’s income was used. The ELPM states it can be used when there is a significant change in the family’s income due to death, divorce or unexpected job loss.

25 Written Documents The information Monitors look for: Guardian’s name
Child’s name Dollar amount Frequency of payment Length of time payments have been received When a family cannot provide proof documents, a signed and dated statement may be written… When a family cannot provide proof documents, a signed and dated statement may be written. The information Monitors look for is a guardian’s name, child’s name, dollar amount, frequency of payment, and length of time payments have been received.

26 Eligibility Proof Of Income Age Family Size Authority to Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Next is proof of age The next slide is about proof of age and the authority to enroll.

27 Proof of Age and Authority to Enroll
For age: a legal document with child’s name and child’s date of birth is needed For authority to enroll: a legal document with both parent/guardian’s name and child’s name is needed 1 Monitors verify there are documents for proof of age and authority to enroll. 3 If other is marked for either of these on the EVF, Monitors will look in the Family Contact Log for details. If Other is marked for either of these on the EVF, Monitors will look in the Family Contact Log for details. For authority to enroll: a legal document with both parent/guardian’s name and child’s name is needed. Monitors verify there are documents for proof of age and authority to enroll. For age: a legal document with child’s name and child’s date of birth is needed. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

28 Eligibility Proof Of Income Age Family Size Authority to Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Monitors will check family size documentation. Next is family size.

29 Family Size EVF Family Contact Log
Monitors will check to make sure the information on the EVF and on the family size documents match. If there is any confusion, monitors will look for more details in the Family Contact Log. Family Contact Log Monitors will check to make sure the information on the EVF and on the family size documents match. If there is any confusion, monitors will look for more details in the Family Contact Log.

30 Eligibility Proof Of Authority to Age Family Size Income Enroll EVF
PSESD Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Monitors will ensure that the eligibility status checked on EVF is supported by the documentation found in file. The next slide is about eligibility status.

31 Eligibility Status Monitors will be using all the documents in the eligibility tab to verify the eligibility status The Eligibility Checklist/Matrix has 2 questions specific to eligibility status: If the eligibility status is not supported by the documents provided, a CAP will be issued for question 9. Monitors will use the correct the eligibility status to determine whether a family was eligible. If the family was found to be ineligible, a CAP will be issued for question 10. If a CAP is needed, it will be issued for either question 9 or question 10, not both If the family was found to be ineligible, a CAP will be issued for question 10. If a CAP is needed, it will be issued for either question 9 or question 10, not both If the eligibility status is not supported by the documents provided, a CAP will be issued for question 9. Monitors will be using all the documents in the eligibility tab to verify the eligibility status. The Eligibility Checklist/Matrix has 2 questions specific to eligibility status. Monitors will use the correct the eligibility status to determine whether a family was eligible.

32 Eligibility Proof Of Income Age Family Size Authority to Enroll EVF
Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status The next slide is about ELMS and applies to ECEAP only.

33 Date Parent Signed App Doc used To verify Parent/ Guardian ELMS Name
[ECEAP ONLY] Name Doc used To verify Family size Family Size Income Amount Birth Date Doc used To Verify Age IEP Monitors will compare the information on the documents and the information entered in ELMS. Name Birthdate & document used to verify age Date parent signed application & document used to verify authority to enroll Family size & document used to verify Income amount & whether the child has an IEP date parent signed application & document used to verify authority to enroll; family size and document used to verify; income amount; and whether the child has an IEP. Monitors will compare the information on the documents and the information entered in ELMS: name birthdate and document used to verify age;

34 Eligibility Proof Of Authority to Age Family Size Income Enroll EVF
Application Eligibility Proof of Income Continuous Improvement ELMS Eligibility Status Some items may result in technical assistance or a Corrective Action Plan. Next is information about continuous improvement.

35 Continuous Improvement
What happens after an Eligibility Monitoring visit? Family Support will be provided with technical assistance for certain questions on the checklist matrix For other questions, the Center Director will receive a CAP form to complete Family Support will work with Monitors and Center Directors to document corrections in the Family Contact Log After a monitoring visit, results will be provided to each Family Support and Center Director Family Support will be provided with technical assistance for certain questions on the checklist For other questions, a Center Director will receive a CAP form to complete As mentioned at the beginning of this presentation – Eligibility documents are legal documents that cannot be changed once a child is enrolled, Family Support can only record in the Family Contact Log documentation about any discrepancies or sections found out of compliance and should never make changes on any of the legal documents. Family Support can only record in the Family Contact Log documentation about any discrepancies or sections found out of compliance and should never make changes on any of the legal documents. As mentioned at the beginning of this presentation, eligibility documents are legal documents that cannot be changed once a child is enrolled. Family Support will be provided with technical assistance for certain questions on the checklist. After a monitoring visit, results will be provided to each Family Support and Center Director. For other questions, a Center Director will receive a CAP form to complete.

36 Continuous Improvement – Technical Assistance
If the following questions are found out of compliance technical assistance will be provided: Are the PSESD Application and Selection Points Chart completed? Is the EVF completed? Do the income documents match the eligibility period marked on the EVF? Do the proof documents match both type and information for: Income Age Authority to Enroll Family Size ECEAP only: Does the information in the family file and the information in ELMS match? The following issues will be addressed with technical assistance from your monitor: Are the PSESD Application and Selection Points Chart completed? Is the EVF completed? Do the income documents match the eligibility period marked on the EVF? Does the proof document match both type and information for: Income Age Authority to Enroll Family Size ECEAP only: Does the information in the child file and the information in ELMS match? Do the proof documents match both type and information for income, age, authority to enroll, family size? For ECEAP only: Does the information in the family file and the information in ELMS match? Is the EVF completed? If the following questions are found out of compliance technical assistance will be provided: Are the PSESD Application and Selection Points Chart completed? Do the income documents match the eligibility period marked on the EVF?

37 Continuous Improvement – Corrective Action Plans
If the following questions are found out of compliance in any family file, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan: Is application signed and dated by parent/guardian? Is the EVF signed and dated by staff who verified? Is income amount calculated correctly? Does eligibility status match documentation? Is child eligible for the program? If the following question is found out of compliance in 50% or more of the files, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan. Are there 12 months proof of income provided or documentation why not? If the following questions are found out of compliance in a family file, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan: Is application signed and dated by parent or guardian? Is the EVF signed and dated by staff who verified? Is income amount calculated correctly? Does eligibility status match documentation? Is child eligible for the program? If the following question is found out of compliance in half or more of the files, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan. Are there 12 months proof of income provided or documentation why not? Is child eligible for the program? If the following question is found out of compliance in half or more of the files, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan. Are there 12 months proof of income provided or documentation why not? Is income amount calculated correctly? If the following questions are found out of compliance in a family file, it will result in a Corrective Action Plan: Is application signed and dated by parent or guardian? Is the EVF signed and dated by staff who verified? Does eligibility status match documentation?

38 CAPs Follow Up If a CAP is issued, the Family Support and the Center Director will receive notice, along with the detailed CAP form to complete. The Center Director will complete the CAP form in collaboration with the Family Support and monitor, describing what has been or is being done to improve their eligibility process that will to prevent the same error from re-occurring. Once the CAP form is verified, the monitor will enter it into Child Plus and close the CAP. Once the CAP form is verified, the monitor will enter it into Child Plus and close the CAP. The Center Director will complete the CAP form in collaboration with the Family Support and monitor, If a CAP is issued, the Family Support and the Center Director will receive notice, along with the detailed CAP form to complete. describing what has been or is being done to improve their eligibility process that will to prevent the same error from re-occurring.

39 Thank you for your time in reviewing this material!
We hope you find the information in this presentation helpful. Thank you for taking the time to review this material. We look forward to supporting you this program year. Questions, comments and feedback: We look forward to supporting you this program year. We hope you find the information in this presentation helpful. Thank you for taking the time to review this material.

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