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Week 5 6th Grade Language Arts.

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1 Week 5 6th Grade Language Arts

2 Classroom Leaders 2nd Pencil Person(make sure the correct date is written on the board) Angel DJ (can create a clean weekly play list for us to listen to by tomorrow) Montrease, Brook, Summer, Corey Electrician (turns lights on and off) Julian & Destiny Teachers’ assistants (pass out materials & pick them up & run errands) Zoe, Triniti, Morgan, Isabella Liveschool point taker Maddy, Morgan, Maxwell Botanist (makes sure Ms. Kate doesn’t kill her cactus) Knox, Eayn Team-Point Taker Alon, Duke, Grayson

3 Classroom Leaders 4th: DJs: Will, Briar, Ellis, Lukas, Chris, Spencer Electricians Ellis, Neviah, Spencer, Za’Corriun Teachers Assistants: Kaliyah Mishawn Liveschool Point-taker: Brayden, Jae’Suan Botanist: Ellis Neviah Team Point-Taker: Will & Laura & ZaCorriun, CJ

4 New Seats 2nd 2 tables at the front: Ed, Ms. Skittles
GROUP 1: Grayson, Maxwell, Yousif, Eayn GROUP 2: Miles, Corey, Isabella, Morgan GROUP 3: Knox, Montrese, Sam, Kingston GROUP 4: Victor, Julian, Zoe, Triniti GROUP 5: Quantarius, Trey GROUP 6: Alon, Brook, Destini, Dejuan LIBRARY LOUNGE: Angel, Summer, Giacamo,

5 New Seats 4th Winners for the week
GROUP 1: Jermiah, Cortesha, Jae’Suan, Laura GROUP 2: Neviah, Lukas, Chris, Kaliya GROUP 3: Brayden, CJ, Briar GROUP 4: Will, Ellis, Noah GROUP 5: Niko, Jacobi, Spencer GROUP 6: Mishawn, ZaCorrian LIBRARY LOUNGE Brayden, CJ, Briar


New Homework – due Friday ELA: “Adjectives vs. Adverbs”

8 Materials Required Pencil/pen
Homework Folder (with Pink bathroom passes inside) Language Arts Folder/binder (with Writing Notebook inside)

9 Intervention Flow Chart
New process – listen closely. This applies to ALL YOUR CLASSES IF YOU BREAK EXPECTATIONS…….? 1.) You receive a written warning – your name will be written on the board and will serve as a visual redirection. 2.) You will move to the Reflection Corner to work on a different task and reflect on your behavior. 3.) If you do not follow expectations in the reflection corner (talking or leaving the seat) you will lose the privilege of having free time during physical activity, and, instead, participate in supervised recess. You parent will be contacted and made aware of your behavior. This will also be documented in Infinite Campus. 4.) If you still aren’t following expectations, you will move to another room. Mr. Hunter will come to speak with you.

10 Tuesday: Today we will Answer the Bell Ringer Talk about Tone/Mood
Read “Security Blanket” and pick out 3 sentences that have a sinister tone and a scary mood.

11 Title Page 23 “Bell Ringers 9/3-9/6
Copy the following Questions

12 P. 23 Tuesday Bell Ringer Write about a scary story that you have seen or read. Describe the story/movie and what EXACTLY made it so scary.

13 Security Blanket

14 Guided Notes P. 24 You only need to write down what is bold and underlined Title for your page: “Tone Creates Mood” Tone: the narrator’s attitude toward the story’s subject Mood: the readers feeling about the subject A sinister/ominous tone creates the scared mood in the reader

15 Guided Notes PRACTICE P. 24
You only need to write down what is bold and underlined WE ARE STILL ON PAGE What is the subject of both movie trailers? 2. Tone: In each trailer, what is the attitude toward Mary? 3. Mood: How does each trailer make you feel? What is your mood? 4. Which one do you like better? Why?

16 P. 23 Wednesday’s Bell Ringer
Define the following Tone:_________________________________________________ Mood:________________________________________________ Give an example from your favorite movie: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

17 P. 23 Wednesday’s Bell Ringer
Define the following Tone: Narrator’s attitude toward subject of story Mood: The feeling of the reader Give an example from your favorite movie: ~ Zombieland – tone = sarcastic Mood = anxious

18 Read “Security Blanket” & Copy these questions into P. 25
1.) Select 2 powerful sentences from “Security Blanket” that make you feel a scary mood Sentence #1:______________________________________________________________ p. __ Sentence #2:______________________________________________________________ p.__ 2.) What are the descriptive words in sentence #1? Does it suggest (connotation) something positive or negative? 3.) What are the descriptive words in sentence #2? Does it suggest (connotate) something postivitie or negative?

19 Read “Security Blanket” & Copy these questions into P. 26
1.) What is the topic and theme of Security Blanket? Topic_________________________________ Theme________________________________ 2.) What is the narrator’s attitude toward this subject? Tone =_______________________________________________ How do I know?______________________________________ 3.) What mood does this tone create?______________________________ 4.) How does author’s tone create this mood?____________________________ 5.) What is the topic of “Security Blanket”?_______________________________________ 6.) What is the theme of “

20 Bell Ringer P. 23 Thursday 1.) What topics (one-word subjects) are stories usually about? 2.) What themes (life lessons) are stories usually about?

21 Bell Ringer P. 23 Thursday 1.) What topics (one-word subjects) are stories usually about? Love, War, Friendship (big abstract topics) 2.) What themes (life lessons) are stories usually about? Usually an action statement “Be yourself”

22 P. 23 Practice with a music video
1.) What is the topic: 2.) What is the theme:

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