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Section 6: Record Keeping
CNMP & NPDES Requirements Adapted CNMP Core Curriculum Presented by: Roberto Maisonnave, Ag Engineer & M. Sc. International Environmental Consultant
Objectives Become familiar with the need for good record keeping and the logic for keeping high-quality records. Become familiar with the record keeping requirements set by NRCS for CNMPs and the additional requirements for when the plan is used in an (NPDES) permit. Learn which records should be kept daily, weekly, monthly and annually. Have a clear understanding of the record keeping requirements for comprehensive nutrient management plans. Speaker Notes: Introduce the class objectives. CNMP Core Curriculum
Why Recordkeeping? IT IS REQUIRED! Save Time, Money and Energy
Good documentation for regulatory questions Accurately credit nutrient application ($$$) Everything in one place to meet CNMP Regulatory requirements Provide record keeping that meets a producers state or federal requirements Speaker Notes: Emphasize the importance of good record keeping, while noting that is possibly the hardest part of the CNMP to implement. Discussion of why recordkeeping is necessary should include 1) that it protects the producer by showing that the CNMP or NPDES Permit NPM is being followed, 2) it can save the producer time and money (for example by documenting use of organic nutrients and actual yields), (next page) 3) can help the producer meet state or federal regulatory requirements, and 4) it’s required. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Who is Responsible? Producers must maintain records
Document implementation and management to meet CNMP goals TSP responsibility to inform producers What records should be kept Records should be kept for 5 years (min.) Speaker Notes: Explain that it is the producer’s responsibility to keep good records to document implementation of the CNMP, but suggest that as TSPs it is their responsibility to inform producers about what records should be kept and to assist them with record keeping format and checklists. On page 54 of the Example Dairy CNMP you can show the attendees where the producer has been provided with a list of required records to keep and with a template for tracking those records. Required Course Materials: Example Dairy CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Annual vs. Frequent Records
Soil tests Manure analyses Process water analyses Nutrient budgeting Frequent Containment structure records Operation and Maintenance Manure application Manure transfer Mortality disposal Speaker Notes: Describe that the information in the following slides are sorted by annual and frequent records. Discuss that annual records are those addressed once a year and frequent records are those addressed bi-weekly or bi-monthly as required. List the records that will be discussed. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Annual Records CNMP Requirements
Soil Testing Record testing date and results Perform in accordance with Nutrient Mgmt. Code 590 Collect every 1-5 years At minimum analyze for pH, N, P & K Use Land Grant University methods Use certified or LGU accepted lab NPDES also requires reporting lab procedure and sampling protocol Speaker Notes: The required records for soil testing for a CNMP are sampling date and the results. Make sure the students are aware of the Nutrient Management NRCS Code 590 Standard, because soil testing should be performed in accordance with the 590 code. Address what analyses should be tested, and the use of Land Grant Universities as a source for sampling methods and testing. Point out that if the plan is to be used as a NPDES Permit NMP the producer will also have to record the lab analysis procedure name and the sampling protocol used. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: NRCS national or state 590 Code (as appropriate) Soil sampling information from the state Land Grant University (if appropriate) Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Annual Records CNMP Requirements
Manure and Wastewater Testing Sample waste from each manure storage unit Analyze for N, P and K Record results and sample date Can benefit from sampling at every pump/clean-out NPDES also requires reporting lab procedure and sampling protocol Speaker Notes: Address the fact that each manure storage unit on the facility needs to be tested and give an example of various potential manure sources. With this slide it would be useful to give a brief description of good sampling procedures emphasizing the need for obtaining a representative sample. Discuss what records should be kept and what analyses should be tested for. Discuss how the producer can benefit from sampling at every pump-out event. After acquiring consecutive samples from several subsequent pumping events, a producer will be able to very closely approximate the nutrient content of the waste to be pumped before it is applied to a field. This will enable the producer to better manage his nutrients. Point out that if the plan is to be used as a NPDES Permit NMP the producer will also have to record the lab analysis procedure name and the sampling protocol used. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Annual Records CNMP Requirements
Nutrient Budgets Determine nutrient inputs and removal using manure analyses, crop yields and application rates These are the records that show CNMP implementation NPDES requires documentation of how nutrient budget was calculated Speaker Notes: Determining nutrient budgets for a livestock operation can save the producer money. Crop yields should be documented, and then using the soil and manure/litter analyses and application rate appropriate to the crop can be determined. Documenting the nutrient budget will help a producer use inorganic fertilizer more efficiently. The nutrient budget records are very useful in documenting that the CNMP is being implemented. If the CNMP is to be used as an NPDES Permit NMP, the calculations used to determine the nutrient budgets need to be documented. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Waste Containment Structure Records Dates of Emptying Level Before Emptying Discharge or Overflow Events Including Levels Before and After Rain Event Speaker Notes: Note that you are now making the switch from annual records to more frequently kept records. The CNMP requires documentation of levels within the holding structure both before and after pump-out events. If overflows occur, levels before and after that event need to be recorded as well. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Manure Containment Structure Records NPDES also requires: Records of weekly inspections of waste impoundments Depth marker indicating minimum capacity requirements for the design storm On-site rainfall and temperature data Speaker Notes: If the CNMP will be used as an NPDES Permit NMP, the producer also needs to record his required weekly inspections of any waste impoundment structures, the weekly level on a stage marker, and the sites rainfall and temperature data. Whether for a CNMP or an NPDES NMP, discuss the need for TSPs to add stage markers to waste impoundment structures for liquid level monitoring. Indicate that the stage marker should include marks for the design storm capacity, minimum treatment volume (for anaerobic lagoons) and freeboard. The usefulness of a stage marker will be discussed later in the presentation. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Maintenance in accordance with Operation and Maintenance plans Record maintenance as performed according to plan Each conservation practice contains associated O&M requirements Speaker Notes: The CNMP requires documentation that shows the implementation and maintenance of Conservation Practices used in the plan. Each NRCS conservation practice standard contains an operation and maintenance section, records of the requirements need to be kept. The following slide provides an example from the Example Dairy CNMP. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Operation and Maintenance NPDES also requires: Daily inspections of water lines Weekly inspections of storm water diversions channeling water to or away from the waste structure Records of actions taken to correct deficiencies Speaker Notes: If the CNMP is being used as an NPDES Permit NMP describe the additional required records listed above. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Manure Application Records Containment source List source for each application event Fields receiving nutrients List each Field ID per event Record info is field specific Application rate CNMP provides planned rates, records provide actual rates Speaker Notes: Manure application records are a key part of calculating the nutrient budget. These three slides breakdown the required records dealing with manure application. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Manure Application Records Weather conditions Wind, precipitation General soil moisture condition Wet, dry, saturated Application method Broadcast, injection, spray field, etc. Equipment calibration records Material flow rates, Application depth,Implement speed Speaker Notes: Manure application records are a key part of calculating the nutrient budget. These three slides breakdown the required records dealing with manure application. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Manure Application Records Speaker Notes: Manure application records are a key part of calculating the nutrient budget. These three slides breakdown the required records dealing with manure application. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
CNMP Core Curriculum Speaker Notes:
A stage curve can be useful in determining volumes of manure to be applied and manure application rates. This stage curve was developed for the Example Dairy CNMP and is located on page 17 of the document. The stage curve can be used to check calibrated application rates by using the calibrated rate to determine total pumped manure volume and then using the state curve to determine actual volume pumped. Use a laser pointer and show class how the curve is used (i.e. if the stage marker reads 4’ there are ~300,000 gallons of waste in the system, if you pump-out to 1.5’, you have removed ~200,000 gallons from the system). Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
CNMP Core Curriculum Speaker Notes:
In conjunction with the stage curve, this graph can be developed and used to determine manure application depth to spread an available amount of manure evenly across a crop field. This chart is also on page 17 of the Example Dairy CNMP. Based on the example from the previous slide, an application rate of 0.2 in/acre is necessary to use the ~200,000 gallons available in the system. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Cropping Records Plant & Harvest dates by field Crop yields Commercial fertilizer applications Biosolids? Speaker Notes: Cropping records are also important for calculating nutrient budges. Documentation of planting and harvest dates, as well as crop yields is required. Also, note here that producers also have to document commercial fertilizer applications and if appropriate biosolids applications. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Frequent Records CNMP Requirements
Manure transfer records Off-site or third party movement Record nutrient content, volume and date Record recipient Speaker Notes: Discuss with TSPs that not every producer will deal with manure transfer. Manure transfer issues are most likely where dry manure handling is involved (i.e. meat bird facilities or beef feedlots). Discuss the record keeping requirements listed in the slide. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Record Keeping Company Protocol
Farm are required to report … Staff gauge reading (weekly) Rainfall reading (weekly & monthly) Water meter readings (weekly) Lagoon/meter maintenance needs (weekly) Visual Inspection of Impoundments Daily Water Line Inspections Regulatory requirements include… Daily rainfall Weekly lagoon level Annual water usage This is an example for Large CAFO like SBF
Staff Gauge & Rain Gauge
Rainfall Calendar Example
Pump Sheet
Additional NPDES Requirements
Keep Records On-Site For At Least 5 Years Copy of CNMP On Site Mortality Disposal Records Speaker Notes: Though you have been discussing this throughout the presentation, make sure students are aware that the record keeping requirements for a CNMP and a EPA NPDES Permit NMP are slightly different. In addition to the records already discussed, the information detailed on this slide is also required. Required Course Materials: EPA, Managing Manure Nutrients at Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Chapter 2, pg 24-25, and Appendix C Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Additional NPDES Requirements
NPDES Annual Report Animal Inventory Annual Manure Generated Annual Manure Exported Annual Acres Utilized Acreage Covered under NMP Description of Annual Discharges Accounting of Certified Nutrient Management Planner Developing and/or Approving NMP Speaker Notes: For an NPDES Permit NMP, an annual report is required. This slide is provided to make TSPs aware of its requirements. Required Course Materials: EPA, Managing Manure Nutrients at Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Chapter 2, pg 24-25, and Appendix C Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Record Keeping Templates
EPA Nebraska NRCS Heartland Water Quality Iowa NMP Operations and Maintenance Input Forms by (Illinois) Alabama Cooperative Extension System Speaker Notes: These are some sites with available record keeping templates. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
Conclusion Record Keeping IS important
Good documentation for regulatory purposes Save money by crediting nutrient application Meet farm CNMP objectives Speaker Notes: Reiterate to students how difficult it will likely be to get producers to keep good records. Discuss with TSPs that they need to have a conversation with the producer to show the producer how he/she could benefit from keeping good records. Producers usually keep good records of the production side of their operation because it is the profiting side. They need extra encouragement to keep good records on the side of their operation often viewed as a “sink” for their profits. Required Course Materials: Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: CNMP Core Curriculum
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