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Expectations for library visit

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1 Expectations for library visit
C- level 1 (libraries are quiet, peaceful places of study) H- raise your hand and wait patiently A- library check out day M- only to check out books (2 tables at a time) P- everyone must check out a book S- select a book for your success

2 Timed Reading Friday’s
We will open with a timed reading every Friday! You will have 5 minutes to read the passage, and 5 minutes to answer the questions for that passage. When you are finished reading the passage, look on the screen to see how long it took you to read it. Mark your time on the notecard I’ve provided, and number your notecard 1-10 so you can record your answers.

3 Jackie Robinson video reaction…Use details and complete sentences for the following…
How do you think Jackie Robinson changed the face of sports? What would have happened if Jackie Robinson never became an athlete? How do you think Jackie Robinson became “more than just an athlete” ? *Answer the questions to the best of your ability after watching the video clip. *After completing the lesson’s reading and questions, go back to your notebook and rewrite your answers. C- level 5 H- raise hand A- video reaction M-only to sharpen pencil P- complete for 5 point sponge grade

4 Think of: the impact he had on changing America; his personality/character;
How do you think Jackie Robinson changed the face of sports? What would have happened if Jackie Robinson never became an athlete? How do you think Jackie Robinson became “more than just an athlete” ?

5 KWL: know, want to know (questions), learned…
In the “K” column, write down a list of things you already know about Jackie Robinson and civil rights. In the “W” column, right down questions that you want to know about the subject. As we read and discuss, write down things you have learned in the “L” column.

6 Essential questions… How has the transformation of sports impacted society? How do popular sports figures use their power to push civil rights and advocate for other worldly issues? Think about what you have learned today about Jackie Robinson and his influence on civil rights and society… What supporting information can you provide to help back up the essential questions for this activity?

7 Sponge: civil rights. Write your own definition of civil rights… Have you or anyone ever discussed issues concerning civil rights? Provide details and examples. What is the difference between a right and a privilege? Use a real life explanation to support your answer…

8 Civil rights provide freedom and equality for all humans.
Elbow partner discussion: can you name anybody throughout history who has contributed to civil rights?

9 Main Idea and supporting details
Main Idea –what the article is about, or the main point the article is trying to make. *Central Idea Supporting details- evidence and information used to support the main idea. *Blend of facts and opinions As we read Justice at Last, focus on the main idea and supporting details of the article.

10 List some of Jackie Robinson’s qualities that are shown in these photographs. Hint: think about his personality and his athletic ability. Choose one of the traits from your list, and explain how you think it helped Jackie Robinson integrate himself into the major leagues.

11 Sponge: Author Purpose
Author purpose: the reason why an author writes a text. Based on what you’ve read in “Justice at Last”, what do you think the author’s main purpose is for writing the essay? Reread the final sentence of the essay; how does the final sentence help add to your understanding of why the essay was written? Hint: think about what theme/message the author provides the reader in that last sentence.

12 Expectations for Justice at Last questions
C- level 2 H- ask 3 then me A- complete article questions M- only to sharpen pencil P- everyone turns in a paper *You must restate all questions for full credit *Questions are due today!!! If you finish early, grab the activity based on Jackie Robinson’s letter to the president concerning civil rights. If you finish all activities, you must read quietly at your desk or the reader’s corner.

13 Closing activity Write down 3 things you have learned about Jackie Robinson. Write down what you think the main idea of the article “Justice At Last” is. Complete this sentence: Jackie Robinson was more than just an athlete because…

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