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EFFECTIVE LEADERS… Diversity Understand, welcome Are Servants

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1 EFFECTIVE LEADERS… Diversity Understand, welcome Are Servants
Inherit & leave a Maintain Servants Legacy Kay Leaders Understand and Welcome a Diversity of opinions and approaches to addressing issues, knowing that this diversity brings strength to the decisions that are made. Servant-leadership is a model of leadership based on teamwork and community; one that seeks to involve others in decision making. True leadership emerges from those whose primary motivation is a deep desire to help others. A servant-leader is one who wants to serve first. Then a conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The objective of servant-leadership is to simulate thought and action for building a better, more caring society. As a member of the DD Council we have Inherited the Legacy of previous Councils and their members. Our membership on the Council now will create and hand down a legacy. What we do makes a difference - our decisions and actions affect the lives of others. Leaders motivate others to create and Maintain Momentum. This is important since the Council’s charge for systems change is a long-term effort. Momentum

2 DO Express Enable Tolerate The Right Thing Values thru Behavior
Strength in Others Kay We will Do The Right Thing if our decisions and actions are value-based. Based on the values of self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion. Not just our words, but our behavior, must express these values. Leaders Enable Strength in Others by providing information and support to use that information. As a member of the Council you will receive a lot of information that you should share with others and help them to understand how to best use the information to benefit themselves and others. Often times advocacy, capacity building and especially system change creates uncertainty. As Leaders we must Tolerate this Ambiguity and persevere through doubts that we or others may have in order to achieve the needed and desired changes we are seeking. Ambiguity

3 Have Vision Passion Integrity Curiosity & Daring Kay
As leaders we must have a Vision of what we want to accomplish and that vision should reflect the values that we hold - a vision of self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life for individuals with disabilities. We must have Passion for the work of the Council. An intense, strong desire to accomplish the Council’s mission. We must have Integrity, which will enable us to Do the Right Thing. Curiosity will lead us to learn and look for new, innovative approaches to solving problems and achieving goals. Finally, we must be Daring - brave; bold; willing to take risks. Willing to take a stand. & Daring

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