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“A Changing Population”

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1 “A Changing Population”

2 Over 327 Million Strong!!!

3 The Census Many countries conduct a census which is an official, periodic counting of the population. In the United States, a census is conducted every 10 years. Our last Census was in When will the next Census take place?

4 The Census The Census collects demographics, or human characteristics such as: religion, ethnicity, number of children, size of families, even number of pets! It tracks where people are living and which areas are growing or shrinking. A census is also used to determine how many representatives each state gets in the US House of Representatives. Census information is public and can be found at

5 Population Growth A country’s population can grow in three main ways:
1 - Natural Increase Birthrate (goes up) Deathrate (goes down) 2 - Adding Territory 3 - Immigration

6 Population Changes Our population is ever-changing due to the following factors: Changing Households (divorce, marriage, fewer kids) Changing Women’s Roles (more women work today) An Older Population (people are healthier, have better medical care and live longer) A More Diverse Population (many Americans today have a mixed heritage) Where people live (rural to urban setting……farm to cities and suburbs) This movement of people from one place to another is called migration.

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