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Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR) in the different experimental groups grouped according to response category. Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR)

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Presentation on theme: "Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR) in the different experimental groups grouped according to response category. Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR) in the different experimental groups grouped according to response category. Average spontaneous firing rate (SFR) in the different experimental groups grouped according to response category. A, Three main categories. Note significant hyperactivity relative to shams in PL and O categories in the acoustic trauma group. B, More fine grain grouping into subcategories. Numbers of neurons in each group are shown inside histogram bars in A and above bars in B. *p < 0.05; **p < Pln, Primary-like with notch; Pri, primary-like; Oc, onset chopper; Ct, transient chopper; Cs, sustained chopper. Darryl P. Vogler et al. J. Neurosci. 2011;31: ©2011 by Society for Neuroscience

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