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Presentation on theme: "BIODIVERSITY BREAK-OUT SESSION"— Presentation transcript:

TG-DATA MEETING. 7 JUNE 2017 Mediator: JNCC- Luca Doria Rapporteur: EEA Mette Lund and Irene del Barrio

2 Wrap-up INSPIRE is considered complex for data handling
INSPIRE is what should ultimately be used INSPIRE models should be made fit for MSFD implementation instead of looking to other standards The recommendations to be developed and agreed by TG-DATA for the publication of datasets would need to support countries that have yet to adopt INSPIRE Essential to define how the data will be used (DG-ENV, EEA) in order to decide how to structure them EMODnet is not good for reporting, it is for scientific community The Regional Sea Conventions are also using their own standards for the publication of biology datasets (e.g. seal distribution in HELCOM) How to make INSPIRE usable for MFSD – this is the question and where we need guidance.

3 Wrap up (cont.) INSPIRE has to become more practical/simpler
CDDA alignment with INSPIRE is a good example EMODnet is filling a gap regarding the provision of habitats resulting from modelling INSPIRE species distribution considers only gridded observations, while the point observations would use environmental monitoring facilities (INCORRECT) A dataset could sometimes be modelled according to several INSPIRE themes (guidance would be needed on which one to use, depending on how it will be assessed or how the compliance will be checked) It’s important to take into account how INSPIRE is being implemented at the national level. It’s not implemented generally by the people dealing with the environment EMODNET biology is discussing with EMODNET seabed habitats to see whether they can include information on biology EMODNET biology, JNCC and ISPRA will meet in July. They will look at the INSPIRE model. By the time being they are using OBIS and Darwin Core

4 Conclusions and suggestions
The group agrees that it would be feasible to provide something according to INSPIRE already for 2018 reporting, therefore INSPIRE data specifications on species distribution and habitats should be used in the first instance for the publication of datasets on biology The standards used by EMODNET, as well as other standards (such as the RSCs ones) could also be considered for the biology datasets More guidance is needed on which data models to use from INSPIRE Simplified INSPIRE data models would make the implementation of Art.19.3 easier Need to clarify what we mean by complexity of INSPIRE.


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