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School in Italy Compulsory school Not compulsory school Primary school

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1 School in Italy Compulsory school Not compulsory school Primary school
from 6 to 11 Secondary school from 11 to 16 Secondary school from 16 to 19 University Examinations

2 Compulsory school Education is compulsory between the age of 6 to 16

3 Not compulsory school After the age of 16 students may choose whether to continue their studies. If they wish they can attend the high school for years.

4 Primary education Primary education is from 6 to 11. Students take part in play activities and also begin to learn the skills of reading, writing and arithmetics Later students begin to study more specific subjects (history and geography, art, music, physical education…).

5 Secondary education The secondary education is from 11 to 16.
you generally find students of mixed habilities. At this point students have more subjects and lots of sports activities. We also have religion and may decide whether to attend these lessons or not.

6 Not compulsory school When students are 16, they can decide to go on studying or not.

7 University After school students may go to university but they know that there is a fixed number of places, in some of them.

8 Examinations Every year there is an internal school examination but there are national examination school stages at 13, sometimes at 16 and at 19 (Maturità).

9 School time Children go to school from Monday to Saturday, from 8.00 to or The school year is devided into 2 terms. We have: 1) summer holiday from the middle of June to the end of August; 2) Christmas holiday; 3) Easter holiday for one week

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