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and Flinders CCSM Training

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1 and Flinders CCSM Training
Regional Assessment Service and Flinders CCSM Training Grant Edwards Manager Agedcare Alternatives Regional Assessment service

2 The Older Person’s Story
The Regional Assessment Services are part of the My Aged Care Gateway It assesses clients for entry to the Commonwealth Home Support Program. It does this by conducting a Home Support (Complex) Assessment. This assessment is designed to gather and tell the older person’s story. That story is recorded in The National Screening and Assessment Form. It is not a clinical assessment.

3 The Basics The Home Support Assessment is: Consumer directed
Wellness focused Offers opportunities to “reable” or restore function. All our HAS’s have undertaken Flinders CCM training. The background of many HSA is working in the person centred space. So HSA can be challenged in the new paradigm and may feel their professional knowledge is less valued. “Wellness” simply put is that the client will and wants to improve from their current situation. How do we facilitate this in a consumer directed way?

4 Flinders Comparison and HSA
Home Support Assessment Partners in Health Contact Centre Screening Cue And Response Interview National Screening and Assessment Form Cue and Response Discussion Problems Statement Concerns Goal Statement Goals Care Plan Support Plan There are strong similarities in the make up of the My Aged Care Assessment Process and the Flinders model. The NSAF has 12 domains: Reason for Assessment Current Support Carer Social Connections Health Conditions Health Lifestyle Memory and behaviour Psychosocial Emotional Function Home safety Complexity Indicators

5 Benefits of CCSM training for HSA’s
Strengthens the understanding that the client is an expert in their own life Understands social determinates of health Identifies barriers Uses open ended questions Funnel technique The Flinders training supports and strengthens our HSA skills and knowledge in the following areas.

6 Benefits of CCSM training for HSA’s
Discusses the outcome of the assessment and supports options Motivation Problem solving Develops concern statements (Problem statements) Develops SMART goal statements Writing the concerns as a three part problem statement opens increases the options available to the client as a response. Critically it is about: having an open discussion with the client about the assessment, deciding together want issues the client is willing to address at this time review the options that are available for them to address their issues developing a plan that has both service responses and client actions

7 Thank You

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