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Lecture 6: Computational Complexity

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1 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
虞台文 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

2 Content Time-Bounded Turing Machine Rate of Growth Functions
Time-Bound Simulations P and NP NP –Completeness Bounded Halting Problems Some Important NP-Complete Problems

3 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
Time-Bounded Turing Machine 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

4 Computational Effectiveness for Solvable Problems
Not Solvable Solvable Can such a problem, e.g., TSP, be solved in any practical sense?

5 Yields in t Steps iff iff such that and

6 Time-Bounded TM Let T: N  N be a function. Let L  be a language, and let be a k-tape TM with 0  . We say that M decides L in time T if the following holds: w  L  w  L  for some t  T(|w|); for some t  T(|w|);

7 TIME(T) We say that L is decidable in time T if there is some k-tape TM (k > 0) that decides L in time T. The class of all languages decidable in time T is denoted by

8 Absolute Time Bound (2n + 4)
# w Head Y/N # Head |w|+1 writing steps |w|+3 head-moving steps >L # RYR >L # RNR erase w (write ‘#’) write ‘Y’ or ‘N’

9 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
Rate of Growth Functions 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

10 Time-Bound Notations Upper Bound Lower Bound Exact Bound

11 Time-Bound Notations Upper Bound Lower Bound Exact Bound Fact:

12 Lemma

13 Lemma Pf) c For a, we need to prove and .
Therefore, we have to find c (exercise) such that

14 Lemma Pf) Since f = O(nd), we only need to show that nd = O(nd+1), which is trivially satisfied because nd  nd+1 for all n  0. Suppose that nd+1 = O(nd), Then, nnd = nd+1  cnd for n  n0. But for any c, when n > c, nd+1  cnd. 

15 Theorem

16 Theorem Pf) Because f = O(nd), we only need to prove that nd = O(rn), i.e., k terms

17 Theorem Pf) Hence, nd = O(rn).
Because f = O(nd), we only need to prove that nd = O(rn), i.e., Hence, nd = O(rn). Let

18 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
Time-Bound Simulations 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

19 Time-Complexities on TMs
Not Solvable Solvable The complexities to solve problems on different TMs are different.

20 Theorem 1 where

21 Theorem 2 where

22 Conclusions A polynomial algorithm of any TM can be simulated using some polynomial algorithms of other TM’s. In the following, we consider two classes of problems: Polynomial algorithms (P) Exponential algorithms (NP) ?

23 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
P and NP 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

24 Definition (P ) That is, P denotes the class of all languages that are decided by TM’s in some polynomial time bounds.

25 Example: (Integer Programming)
0-1 Does have solution in 0 and 1? Matrix formulation: Given A and b, is there any binary vector x such that

26 Example: (Integer Programming)
Given A and b, is there any binary vector x such that Example: (Integer Programming) A b x Encode: Language No answer!

27 Example: (Integer Programming)
Given A and b, is there any binary vector x such that Example: (Integer Programming) Language No answer! Language Yes, it is. Fact:

28 Definition M accepts L in nondeterministic
time T if the following holds For all , for some u, v *,  , and t  T(|w|). We say that L is acceptable in nondeterministic time T if there is an NTM that accepts L in nondeterministic time T.

29 What is the difference between TIME(T) and NTIME(T)?
Definition The class of languages acceptable in nondeterministic time T.

30 Definition (NP ) That is, NP denotes the class of all languages that are accepted by NTM’s in some nondeterministic polynomial time bounds.

31 Definition (Step Counting Function)
f : NN is a step-counting function if  a k-tape Turing machine M such that for all w*, M halts in exactly f(|w|) steps on input w, i.e., for some u1, …, uk, v1, …, vk * and a1, …, ak.

32 Exercise Given d >0, there exists a polynomial p of degree d being a step counting function.

33 Theorem 3 See text for the proof.
Let L be a language accepted in time T1 by a NTM M1=(K1, 1, 1, s1) where T1 is a step counting function.  A k2-tape DTM M2=(K2, 2, 2, s2) decides L in time T2 where

34 Polynomial Balanced Languages
Let L  *$* be a language, where $. Then, L is said to be polynomial balanced if there exists a polynomial p such that

35 Theorem 4 Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2.
L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a polynomial balanced language.

36 Theorem 4 M: >$(1) M’: M’’: >RNR >RNR M’’ Pf) “”
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” L’ is a p.b.l.  Polynomial p s.t. x$yL’ only if |y|  p(|x|). L’P k–tape DTM M’ that decides L’ in time q (a polynomial). To prove L  NP, we construct an NTM M based on M’ to accept L as follows: M: >$(1) . . . M’’ M’: >RNR M’’: >RNR

37 Theorem 4 M: >$(1) M’: M’’: >RNR >RNR M’’
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 M can be accept L in nondeterministic time p + q. Hence, L  NP. Pf) “” L’ is a p.b.l.  Polynomial p s.t. x$yL’ only if |y|  p(|x|). L’P k–tape DTM M’ that decides L’ in time q (a polynomial). To prove L  NP, we construct an NTM M based on M’ to accept L as follows: M: >$(1) . . . M’’ M’: >RNR M’’: >RNR

38 Theorem 4 Y(x)=? M’ =? Pf) “” We shall show that
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” We shall show that L’ = {x$Y(x) : x  L, |Y(x)|  p(|x|)}, where p is a polynomial, such that L’P, i.e.,  a DTM M’ can decides L’ in polynomial time. Y(x)=? M’ =?

39 Theorem 4 . . . Pf) “” Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2.
L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” Since LNP,  an NTM M that accept L in nondeterministic time q (a polynomial). Let  be the encoding function that encodes TM’s and their memory configurations in {I, c}*. That is, given xL, we have such that ├M . . . Let Y(x) be the set of all strings where M is the NTM that accepts L.

40 Theorem 4 Pf) “” Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2.
L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “”  q(|x|) constant to be discussed accept in time q input length

41 Theorem 4 Pf) “” Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2.
L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “”  q(|x|)

42 Theorem 4 Polynomial of |x| Pf) “”
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” Polynomial of |x|

43 Theorem 4 Let L’ is polynomial balanced. Pf) “”
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” Let L’ is polynomial balanced.

44 Theorem 4 ? Let L’ is polynomial balanced. Pf) “”
Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2. L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” ? Let L’ is polynomial balanced.

45 Theorem 4 Pf) “” Let L  * be a language, $ and ||2.
L  NP iff  L’  *$* such that where L’ is a p.b.l. Theorem 4 Pf) “” We now show that L’P by designing a DTM M’ which decides L’ as follows: Check the syntax of the input string To verify the following things: Is Cj a configuration of M? C0 = (s, #x#)? Ct = (h, uv)? If rejected, print out ‘N’ then halt. This steps requires O(n) time. Check Cj├M Cj+1, j= 0, …, t1 by consulting (M). If rejected print out ‘N’ and then halt. This steps requires O(n2). Therefore, L’P.

46 Example (Integer Programming BNP )

47 Example (Integer Programming BNP )
No answer

48 Is P = NP ? P NP P  NP NP  P How to show? Show and Trivial (why?)
Difficult No answer, now. P  NP Show NP  P and NP P

49 Example (TSPNP ) 1 2 5 3 4 6 7 8 TSPF Find the shortest tour t.

50 Example (TSPNP ) t is a bijection TSPF Find the shortest tour t.
E.g., Example (TSPNP ) TSPF 1 2 5 3 4 6 7 8 Find the shortest tour t. It is not language decision problem. Rather, it is a problem of function evaluation.

51 Example (TSPNP ) TSPF Find the shortest tour t. TSP
Denote the cost of t as D(t). TSP’ Polynomial balanced

52 Exercises Show that TSPNP. TSPP   a polynomial algorithm for TSPF.

53 Remark TSPP P = NP

54 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
NP-Completeness 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

55 Definition: Polynomial-Time Computable
is said to be computed in time T if  a k-tape DTM s.t. with t  T(|x|). Furthermore, if T(|x|) is a polynomial, then f is said to be polynomial-time computable.

56 Definition: Polynomial-Time Reduction
Let and be languages, be polynomial-time computable. Then L1 is said to be polynomial-time reducible to L2 iff

57 More on Polynomial Reduction
L2  P  L1  P. Transitivity Time to decide p.r.

58 Definition: NP-Completeness
is called NP-complete iff

59 More on NP-Completeness
p.r. p.r. P NP-Complete

60 NP-Hard Not Solvable Solvable NP p.r. p.r. P NP-Complete NP-Hard

61 Important Theorem Let L be an NP-complete language. Then, Pf) “” “”
trivial “” trivial

62 Remark If one can decide any NP-complete language in polynomial time, then all languages in NP can be decided effectively. Surely, the guy will win Turing Award.

63 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
Bounded Halting Problems 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

64 Bounded Halting Problem N0
Fact: Halting problem is not solvable. Is Bounded Halting problem is solvable?

65 Theorem: N0 is NP-Complete

66 Theorem: N0 is NP-Complete

67 Theorem: N0 is NP-Complete
Define Exercise

68 Theorem: N0 is NP-Complete
For any LNP, find L. LNP Let Fact: L(w) is polynomial computable. w  L  L(w)  N0.

69 The Language

70 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Exercise Find .

71 Theorem: is NP-Complete

72 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Find Case 1. # t + 2  2|u| + 2 + t = 2t + 4  2|u| =2|u’|

73 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Find Halt within 2|u’| steps. Halt within t steps. Case 1. # t + 2  2|u| + 2 + t = 2t + 4  2|u| =2|u’|

74 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Find Case 2. t +2|u| t =2|u| =2|u’|

75 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Find Halt within 2|u’| steps. Halt within t steps. Case 2. t +2|u| t =2|u| =2|u’|

76 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Find Hence, See previous slides

77 Theorem: is NP-Complete
Summary of the proof: Known NP-complete

78 Special Bounded Halting Problem N2

79 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
Pf) obvious. p.r. p.r. p.r. ? ? ?

80 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
Pf) obvious. p.r.  = ?

81 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
 :

82 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
 : 2|u| Let 1 t

83 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
 : M ’ halts on  in t ’ steps M halts on u in t steps 2|u| Let 1 t

84 Theorem: N2 is NP-Complete
 :

85 Summary p.r.

86 Lecture 6: Computational Complexity
Some Important NP-Complete Problems 大同大學資工所 智慧型多媒體研究室

87 Bounded Tiling Problem (BT)
Tiling System: D: a set of finite number of tiles. d0D: the tile place at the origin. HDD: the Horizontal tiling rule. VDD: the Vertical tiling rule.

88 Bounded Tiling Problem (BT)
Given D and s > 0, an s  s tiling by D is a function 1 2 3 4 5 such that

89 Bounded Tiling Problem (BT)
BT is NP-Complete

90 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
Pf) a p.b.l. p.r.

91 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
Theorem: BT is NP-Complete  :

92 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 t t+1

93 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 t t+1 1) For each a, create tiles (a, k) (a, k+1)

94 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 (a, 6) (a, 7) 1) For each a, create tiles (a, 5) (a, 6) (a, 4) (a, 5) (a, k) (a, k+1) (a, 3) (a, 4) (a, 2) (a, 3) (a, 1) (a, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1)

95 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 Can’t reach the highest layer if q  h. 2) For each (q, a, p, b)  where b and q  h, create tiles (q, a, 5) (p, b, 6) (q, a, 4) (p, b, 5) (q, a, k) (p, b, k+1) (q, a, 3) (p, b, 4) (q, a, 2) (p, b, 3) (q, a, 1) (p, b, 2) (q, a, 0) (p, b, 1)

96 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 3) For each (q, a, p, L) , create tiles (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p (b, 2) (p, b, 3) (q, a, 2) (a, 3) (?, 0) (?, 1) (?, 2) (b, 0) (b, 1) (b, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1) (q, a, 2)

97 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 (?, 6) (?, 7) (a, 6) (a, 7) 3) For each (q, a, p, L) , create tiles (?, 5) (?, 6) (a, 5) (a, 6) (?, 4) (?, 5) (a, 4) (a, 5) (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p (?, 3) (?, 4) (a, 3) (a, 4) (?, 2) (?, 3) (b, 2) (p, b, 3) (q, a, 2) (a, 3) (?, 0) (?, 1) (?, 2) (b, 0) (b, 1) (b, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1) (q, a, 2)

98 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 4) For each (q, a, p, R) , create tiles (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p (q, a, 2) (a, 3) (b, 2) (p, b, 3) (?, 0) (?, 1) (?, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1) (q, a, 2) (b, 0) (b, 1) (b, 2)

99 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 (?, 6) (?, 7) (a, 6) (a, 7) 4) For each (q, a, p, R) , create tiles (?, 5) (?, 6) (a, 5) (a, 6) (?, 4) (?, 5) (a, 4) (a, 5) (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p (?, 3) (?, 4) (a, 3) (a, 4) (?, 2) (?, 3) (q, a, 2) (a, 3) (b, 2) (p, b, 3) (?, 0) (?, 1) (?, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1) (q, a, 2) (b, 0) (b, 1) (b, 2)

100 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 (?, 6) (?, 7) (a, 6) (a, 7) 5) For each a, create tiles (?, 5) (?, 6) (a, 5) (a, 6) (?, 4) (?, 5) (a, 4) (a, 5) (h, a, k) (h, a, k+1) (?, 3) (?, 4) (a, 3) (a, 4) (h, a, k+1) (?, 2) (?, 3) (q, a, 2) (a, 3) (b, 2) (h, b, 3) (?, 0) (?, 1) (?, 2) (a, 0) (a, 1) (q, a, 2) (b, 0) (b, 1) (b, 2)

101 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1 6 7 2 3 4 5 (s, #, 0) d0 = # 6) (#, 0) # 7) Base tile (s, #, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) # (#, 0) #

102 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
1) For each a, create tiles 4) For each (q, a, p, R) , create tiles (a, k) (a, k+1) (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p 2) For each (q, a, p, b)  where b and q  h, create tiles 5) For each a, create tiles (h, a, k) (h, a, k+1) (q, a, k) (p, b, k+1) 6) 7) Base tile 3) For each (q, a, p, L) , create tiles (s, #, 0) d0 = # (#, 0) # (b, k) (p, b, k+1) p (q, a, k) (a, k+1) p

103 Theorem: BT is NP-Complete
Pf) a p.b.l. p.r.

104 Integer Programming already known Is B NP-complete?

105 Theorem: B is NP-Complete

106 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
 : p.r.

107 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
 : Define variables where

108 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
Every place has exactly one tile Horizontal rules Vertical rules Place d0 at (0, 0)

109 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
Every place has exactly one tile Horizontal rules Vertical rules Place d0 at (0, 0)

110 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
Introducing slack variables Theorem: B is NP-Complete Every place has exactly one tile Horizontal rules Vertical rules Place d0 at (0, 0)

111 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
Introducing slag variables Theorem: B is NP-Complete Every place has exactly one tile Horizontal rules Vertical rules Place d0 at (0, 0)

112 Theorem: B is NP-Complete
Introducing slag variables The coefficient of each variable is 0 or 1. Theorem: B is NP-Complete The right-hand side of each equality is 1. Every place has exactly one tile Horizontal rules Vertical rules Place d0 at (0, 0)

113 Language Br is NP-Complete

114 Hamilton Cycle

115 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
Pf) p.r.

116 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
x y z a b c d

117 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
x y z a b c d A Hamilton cycle entering the box from a, it must leave the box from c. A Hamilton cycle entering the box from d, it must leave the box from b.

118 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
x y z a b c d

119 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
x y z a b c d a b c d

120 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
a b c d

121 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
 :

122 Theorem: H is NP-Complete

123 Theorem: H is NP-Complete

124 Theorem: H is NP-Complete

125 Theorem: H is NP-Complete
 :

126 Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
already known Is TSP NP-complete?

127 Theorem: TSP is NP-Complete
p.r. p.r.

128 Theorem: TSP is NP-Complete
 : p.r. p.r.

129 Theorem: TSP is NP-Complete
 :

130 Theorem: TSP is NP-Complete
G = (V, E)  :

131 Theorem: TSP is NP-Complete
G = (V, E)  : There exists a Hamilton cycle in graph G=(V, E) if and only if there exists a zero-cost tour for the following TSP .

132 Satisfiability Problem (SAT)
Example: Satisfiability Problem (SAT) : Boolean Variables; literals : the negation of xi; A formula in the propositional calculus is an expression that can be constructed using literals and the operations  (and) and  (or). A satisfiability problem is to determine if a formula is true for any truth assignment of variables.

133 Normal Forms CNF DNF

134 Cook’s Theorem SAT is NP-complete SATP iff P =NP

135 SAT is NP-complete Cook’s Theorem Pf) skip p.r. p.r.

136 Cook’s Theorem Define literals:

137 Cook’s Theorem

138 True if and only if there is no different tiles being placed at each cell.
Cook’s Theorem

139 True if and only if horizontal rules are satisfied at each cell.
Cook’s Theorem True if and only if horizontal rules are satisfied at each cell.

140 True if and only if vertical rules are satisfied at each cell.
Cook’s Theorem True if and only if vertical rules are satisfied at each cell.

141 True if an only if d0 is place at (0, 0).
Cook’s Theorem True if an only if d0 is place at (0, 0).

142 Cook’s Theorem

143 Summary p.r. p.r.

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