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Does this sound familiar?

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Presentation on theme: "Does this sound familiar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does this sound familiar?
It’s the night before her biology exam, and the high school student has just begun to study. She takes out her highlighter and reads her textbook, marking it up as she goes alon. She rereads sentences that seem most important and stays up most of the night, just hoping to get a good enough grasp of the material to do well on the exam.

2 Effective Vs Ineffective strategies
Have a look at the 10 learning strategies in the envelopes. Can you order them in terms of most effective learning strategies to the least effective strategies? Effective Vs Ineffective strategies

3 Learning strategies… Practice testing: self-testing or taking practice tests on to-be-learned material. Distributed practice, a schedule of practice that spreads out study activities over time. Interleaved practice: implementing a schedule of practice that mixes different kinds of problems, or a schedule of study that mixes different kinds of material, within a single study session. Elaborative interrogation: generating an explanation for why an explicitly stated fact or concept is true. Self-explanation: explaining how new information is related to known information, or explaining steps taken during problem solving.

4 Key reflections What are the 5 most effective learning styles?
How often do we promote these students in lessons as revision and learning strategies? Especially for our Year 11.

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