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Europe: Perception & Illusion

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Presentation on theme: "Europe: Perception & Illusion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe: Perception & Illusion
Richard Griffiths Director | Food Policy Europe: Perception & Illusion

2 Or...what have the Romans ever done for us?

3 –Monty Python's Life of Brian
"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health..." –Monty Python's Life of Brian

4 So, should we be in Europe?

5 The Benefits Common (good?) practice Greater resources
Knowledge exchange Open market Access to labour More competitive v. third countries

6 In other words...

7 UK v. EU Legislation EU UK ... Food Hygiene Marketing Labelling
Animal welfare Animal health Transport Environment Trade ...and so on ... Planning (sort of) Taxation

8 Perception no.1 380,000 100+ 70% £540 million

9 Perception no.2 6,076,200,000 99.994% 1 in 2 £1.7 billion

10 Campylobacter Is the UK isolated? Does the rest of Europe care?
Does it reflect our standards or a USP? What about the rest of the world? Protectionist or self-limiting?

11 So, why do we persist?

12 Closed Borders? If we accept the argument for Europe can we limit third countries?

13 Today Europe, Tomorrow The World

14 The Benefits (part 2) Critical mass to maintain subjective standards (or more muscle!)

15 Does 'British' have a future?

16 We can't afford not to be...

17 Thank You

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