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Welcome to Mrs. Kaiser’s 7th grade Social Science Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Kaiser’s 7th grade Social Science Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Kaiser’s 7th grade Social Science Class
At school we practice to become adults.

2 Who is this Mrs. Kaiser? Education Associative of Science
Bachelor of Arts Masters of Education Experience 30 years of teaching experience with C.U.S.D. 10 years -6th grade 13 years- ELA 1 year- ESL 6 years- Social Studies

3 Cornell Notes, Annotations &
Curriculum Global studies Scientific Revolution st Century Cornell Notes, Annotations & Thinking Maps

4 Curriculum World History Government Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment Age of Revolution Age of Imperialism World War 1 and 2 Government Types of government systems such as monarchy, theocracy, oligarchy, democracy, etc.

5 Curriculum Geography Economics The World in Spatial Terms
Places and Regions Human Systems; Environment and Society Geographic Application Economics Foundation of Economics Micro/Macro Economics

6 Cornell Notes & Thinking Maps

7 If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!
Agendas/Binders If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail! Agendas must be filled in DAILY, and LEGIBLY. Please check agendas on a regular basis. Academic Lab (AL) Blasts

8 Homework/Class work Work that is not completed in class will be added to homework. Late work will not be accepted beyond a 24 hour grace period, which will result in a 20% deduction in grade. Absent students are responsible for getting their make up work upon their return. If any tests/quizzes are missed, student must immediately make arrangements for make-up.

9 Our greatest glory is not in never falling
but rising every time we do. Confucius

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