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Human Variation.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Variation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Variation

2 Let’s Review… Human Variation refers to the study of the physical differences and similarities of existing humans.

3 Think-Pair-Share: Why do you think humans are different from one another?

4 A Scientific Explanation:
In On the Origin of the Species (1859), Charles Darwin outlined how every living thing evolves through natural selection. Natural selection involves three principles: Variation: every species has a lot of variety within it. Heritability: individuals pass on traits to their offspring. Environmental fitness: individuals who are better adapted to their environment will produce more offspring and pass on their traits to the next generation.

5 A Christian Explanation:
Christian anthropology emphasizes that humans were made in the image and likeness of God. Human diversity is a good thing according to Christians. Though no two humans are the same, each person has value and worth. Every person reflects the image of God in a slightly different way. God blessed each person with different talents and abilities and expects each person to serve Him using the unique set of talents that he or she received.

6 A Couple Things To Remember:
The concept of race is socially constructed. More genetic variation exists within races than between them.

7 Video: “Race – the Power of an Illusion”

8 Think-Pair-Share: Why do some people make assumptions about other people based on physical differences?

9 What Would You Do if You Found Yourself in the Following Situation?

10 Source Social Sciences: An Introduction. Canada: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2011, p

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