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Please Turn To: John 17:20,21.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Turn To: John 17:20,21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Turn To: John 17:20,21

2 A Critical Distinction
Not merely a number of congregations that resemble one another Romans 16:16 Congregations that participate in some organization through which they act as a unit

3 Difference Between “Plural” & “Collective”
Ships=plurality of boats Fleet=collective of boats 1 Peter 4:16 Plurality of Christians- no functional ties Collectivity = local church Acts 11:26

4 Church = a Single Congregation of Christians
Churches = two or More Completely Independent Congregations 1 Corinthians 4:17 1 Corinthians 7:17 Galatians 1:2 Revelation 1:4

5 Scriptural Independence & Autonomy Are Violated
When a person, persons, congregation or organization assumes decision-making oversight of a work that a plurality of congregations is involved in

6 Voluntarily Giving Up Scriptural Autonomy Worsens the Matter
We may Not Scripturally “Denominate” Any Organization Larger than the Local church but Smaller than the church universal

7 Matthew 16:18 “My church” Philippians 1:1
The New Testament is silent about any organization in between the local church and the universal church.

8 Are Not the “Churches of Christ” Merely Another Denomination?
Acts 24:5,14 Acts 28:22

9 Jesus Prayed For Unity Among His People John 17:20,21
Denominationalism Itself is Something The Lord Has “Not Commanded.” Leviticus 10:1,2


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