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Introduction Conclusion Body 1 Body 2 Long Essay (Level 1)

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1 Introduction Conclusion Body 1 Body 2 Long Essay (Level 1)
ORGANIZATION Body 1 Body 2 Conclusion /mhl, March 25, 2014

2 Hook/general idea (optional)
Introduction Hook/general idea (optional) Everyone needs someone special in their lives. Topic My best friend is Zeinab. She is a student at Zayed University. She is the daughter of my father’s brother, so that means she is my cousin. Background info Thesis Zainab is a beautiful person with many appealing qualities, and she has a positive influence on me. Paragraph topics This intro is 51 words

3 Body Introduction Conclusion Body 1 Body 2 general topic background
Long Essay (Level 1) general topic background Body 1 topic thesis Body 2 topic Body 1 Body Body 2 Conclusion

4 Body Introduction Conclusion Body 1 Body 2 Repeat topic/thesis hook
Long Essay (Level 1) hook topic background Body 2 topic Body 1 topic thesis Body 1 Body Body 2 Body 2 topic Body 1 topic Repeat topic/thesis suggestion, future hope Conclusion no new details

5 Supporting Sentnces (SS) concluding sentence (CS)
Body Paragraph topic sentence (TS) details examples Supporting Sentnces (SS) explanation description concluding sentence (CS)

6 This conclusion is 45 words
My cousin Zeinab is my best friend because she is lovely inside and outside. She teaches me to be a better person 1. Repeat topic/thesis Body 1 topic Body 2 topic 2. opinion, suggestion, hope for future I am a little sad because we go to different schools now, but I hope someday soon we will spend more time together. Never add new details This conclusion is 45 words

7 Mariam is a lovely person with a great personality.
Topic sentence (TS) Mariam is a lovely person with a great personality. Supporting (SS) sentences: Details and examples She has big blue eyes and shiny black hair. She likes to wear make-up, but really she does not need that because she is naturally beautiful. Also, her personality is outgoing and warm, and she is very helpful. For example, if you ask her for help with your homework, she will never refuse. Concluding sentence She will always be beautiful, I know.

8 Topic sentence (TS) Concluding sentence
Mariam is an active influence on me. Supporting (SS) sentencs: Details and examples Supporting (SS) sentences: Details, examples…. Transition words (also, fore example, in addition) For example, I love shopping with her because she can always make a good decision. Also, Mariam listens to me, and if she doesn’t understand me right away, she will try again the next day. Concluding sentence I always enjoy doing things with Mariam and learning from her.

9 Conclusion No new details
1. Repeat thesis Body 2 topic Body 1 topic My cousin Zeinab is my best friend because she is lovely inside and outside. She teaches me to be a better person. 2. opinion, suggestion, hope for future I am a little sad because we go to different schools now, but I hope someday soon we will spend more time together. No new details

10 Introduction Conclusion Repeat topic/thesis hook topic background
Long Essay (Level 1) hook topic background Body 2 topic Body 1 topic thesis Body 2 topic Body 1 topic Repeat topic/thesis suggestion, future hope Conclusion no new details

11 Body In summary, ... Introduction Topic sentence 1 Topic sentence 2

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