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Ubuntu MYSQL Database Server

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1 Ubuntu MYSQL Database Server
Coleman Stephenson Eastern Kentucky University Network Security & Electronics Introduce myself, my university, my major, and my contact info Introduce the project

2 OVERVIEW Virtual Ubuntu server that hosts a MySQL database, accessible by clients on the same network Audience Small/Mid-sized businesses Private Individuals Cost Inexpensive/Free MySQL server managed and edited using MySQL workbench Here is a quick overview of my project My capstone project is a virtual Ubuntu server installed with MySQL designed to host databases all accessible by clients on the same local network as the server The intended audience for this project are small/mid-sized businesses looking for a cheap, almost completely free way to store and access important data, but the functionality of the server can also be used by individuals with the same goals in mind Like I said, the server itself and the tools used to manage it are open source and completely free, the only money spent would be on the machine that is going to host the virtual server and the client machines that will access it. Because of this need for opensource I naturally went with a Linux OS. The server is managed and edited using MySQL Workbench which has a lot of functionality and can connect to the database from a separate system.

3 MOTIVATION Create a simple solution for database storage and management using opensource tools. Not everyone has the funds to pay for robust tools, database services. My motivation for completing this project was to create a simple solution for database storage and management all while utilizing opensource tools My main goal was to make this database service as cheap as possible because not everyone has the funds to pay for robust database tools or services. With that in mind I set out and began setting everything up

4 INTRODUCTION Technical areas this project covers are networking, some computer science, and potentially electronics Companies such as Sun Technologies, Diversified Systems, and Amazon offer database service and management. So to start out, the technical areas that my project covers is mostly networking, some computer science if you decide to work with customer queries in MySQL Workbench, and potentially electronics if you want to make a physical server rather than virtual. Some companies that apply the same service that I am looking to provide are Sun Technologies, Diversified Systems, and Amazon which all offer database hosting and management. I didn’t look too much into the extent of their services but with them in mind I was able to get a gist of what I wanted to provide.

5 Project Specifications
Core 1 VirtualBox installation & setup OS installation & setup MySQL installation & configuration Core 2 MySQL Workbench installation & setup Connection to MySQL server Creation of a sample database Constraints Operates in a virtual environment Connections are made on a local network. Here are the specifications of the project First, in Core 1 I focused on installing my hypervisor which I decided on virtual box. After creating a new virtual environment I loaded it up with the Ubuntu Server ISO file, and configured the network settings to use a bridged adapter so it could communicate with he host system and internet. I went through the OS installation configuring the server to use a static IP and installing SSH which I used for connecting the server to MySQL workbench and Putty I then installed MySQL and changed some settings in its configuration file to allow it to connect to connect to other systems Then, in Core 2 I installed MySQL workbench on my host system setup the connection between workbench and the server And created a sample database which is updated in the virtual server There are a few constraints The server is expected to operate in a virtual environment for this specific project, but can be changed to a physical server if needed. The connections made on the sever are expected to be on the local network, although this too could be expanded on to allow for remote connections

6 Assumptions User has experience with…
Linux & MySQL commands Ubuntu Server 18.04 MySQL Server MySQL Workbench Server operates and is accessed on a local network. This project does have some assumptions in place Although most of everything in the project is free, there is a certain amount of technical knowledge that is needed to configure and operate it Specifically, the user need experience with… (bullets) The server is also designed to work on the local network that it is connected to

7 PROPOSED SOLUTION Here is a diagram of the cores and their associate steps Core 1 is highlighted with in red, and core 2 in yellow

8 Proposed Solution: Core 1
Deciding on the environment the database will be installed in, deciding on database software, and installing and configuring both. The OS must be first be determined, then a decision between a physical server or virtual server is made. Virtual Ubuntu Server Database software is determined and installed. MySQL Server In summary this core encompassed… (bullet one) The first thing I had to do was what decide on a OS which the server was going to operate on, this was the most important step, because my choice determined what tools I needed to use and what research I needed to do. Once that decision was made, I had to decide on a virtual or physical server. Originally I wanted to d a physical server, but after damaging parts and a lack of funds, I decided on virtual. Then what database software I wanted to use to hold all this information. I chose MySQL Server because I had some knowledge of MySQL workbench and its ease of use and functionality with MySQL.

9 Proposed Solution: Core 2
Decide on database management tool MySQL Workbench Creation of the actual database Columns categories (Name, date, location, etc) Editing the created database MySQL Workbench editing After the server was installed and MySQL was configured I needed to install MySQL workbench on my host system and connect the server to Workbench Once the connection was made, I created a new database schema and made some test tables within it. I applied the changes to the server and logged onto the server using putty for easier usage than the VirtualBox window, entered MySQL and noted that the changed did apply and that I could see the new database and table within it.

10 Results: Core 1 Setting a static address for the server during initial OS installation Here is a screen shot during the initial installation of Ubuntu Server where I am setting a static IP address for the server

11 Results: Core 1 The login screen for Ubuntu server after installation
(This may be hard to see) Here is the screen after a successful login using the credentials set up during instiallation

12 Results: Core 1 First, a package update and upgrade is needed
Then, a rule to allow TCP connections through port 22 is added. Before I did anything, I updated and upgraded all the packages in Ubuntu After that I confirmed that UFW (uncomplicated Firewall) was installed and added a rule to allow TCP connections through port 22 (SSH) because I intended to use an SSH connection to the server for added security I then enabled the firewall

13 Results: Core 1 Install MySQL Entering MySQL
Starting the MySQL server service Viewing the status of the MySQL service Here I installed MySQL server and entered the terminal I began the MySQL service and confirmed that it was running

14 Results: Core 2 The MySQL home screen on my desktop with some test connections to the MySQL server. Here is the home screen of MySQL workbench running on the host desktop, you can see some test connections I made beforehand to ensure that workbench could connect to the server

15 Results: Core 2 A successful connection to the server
Here I am creating a new connection to the server using SSH, by default MySQL server uses port 3306, but this can be changed We see that the server connected no problem

16 Database Server Demonstration Video
Explain the video as it plays

17 CONCLUSIONS Successfully
created the virtual environment Installed and configured Ubuntu Server w/ connection to the host system and internet Installed MySQL server and started the service Connected the MySQL database to MySQL Workbench Created a new database w/ tables and confirmed that the changes were applied to the Virtual Server Overall I chose this project as a learning experience to better understand database usage and management Some troubles were had when connecting the database to MySQL workbench, but after research I was able to pinpoint the problem. In conclusion, I was able to successfully… (bullets) I didn’t have much prior knowledge of databases or Ubuntu Server aside from what I learned during the midterm project. This as a great learning experience for me and I actually hope to expand on this project and research more I did have some troubles at the start, mostly with user error. My biggest problem was getting MySQL Workbench to connect to the Server. I tried everything I could, but after some research I discovered that the MySQL config file has a bind address which had to be changed. I changed it to a wildcard IP address so that it would allow any IP to communicate with it, although I’m not 100% certain of the security issues related to this.

18 FUTURE WORK I would like to transition this project over to a physical server. Add the functionality to access the server remotely, outside the local network Add more users with varying privileges I hope to transition the server to a physical system rather than virtual and potentially add the ability to connect to the server outside of the local network. Additionally added more users with varying privileges would be a good way to test the server even more

19 REFERENCES Learn Ubuntu Server. (2018, November 11). Learn Ubuntu Server Base Install. Retrieved April 24, 2019, from BenBen. (n.d.). No internet connection on Virtualbox (Windows 7 as guest, ubuntu as host). Retrieved April 24, 2019, from DigitalOcean. (2016, October 13). A Basic MySQL Tutorial. Retrieved April 24, 2019, from DigitalOcean. (2016, October 21). How to Connect to a MySQL Server Remotely with MySQL Workbench. Retrieved April 24, 2019, from

20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Chandra, Dr. Richardson, Prof. Kilgore Classmates

21 Q&A Ubuntu Database Server Coleman Stephenson
Assistant Network Technician Peoples Exchange Bank

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