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Hans, KIM TTA Future of NGN Standards - FG NGN and SGs - Hans, KIM TTA

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Presentation on theme: "Hans, KIM TTA Future of NGN Standards - FG NGN and SGs - Hans, KIM TTA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hans, KIM TTA
Future of NGN Standards - FG NGN and SGs - Hans, KIM TTA

2 Table of Contents Decision from WTSA 2004 Mandates SG 13 and FG NGN
Status of FG NGN Decision from WTSA 2004 Mandates SG 13 and FG NGN Future Direction Proposal

3 Status of FG NGN General Status Father of FG NGN : Director of ITU-T
Creation of a new Focus Group on NGN and 1st meeting : TSB Circular Addendum1 Kick off Meeting : 23 ~ 25 June 2004 180 contributions received (out of 246 Input documents) 17 Liaison Statements 3 meetings held : 23~25 June (Geneva), 19~23 July (Geneva), 27 Sep. ~ 1 Oct. (Ottawa) 28 Drafts are developing now

4 Status of FG NGN Analysis of Input Documents and Participants 1st 2nd
Contribution LS Others Participants 1st 39 14 5 20 99 2nd 66 40 21 3rd 141 122 7 12 121 Total 246 180 17 53 286

5 Status of FG NGN Analysis of Input Documents 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd
ROA SIO Others 1st 2 12 25 2nd 3 34 29 3rd 45 87 9 Total 50 133 63 Asia North America Europe Others 1st 2 12 23 2nd 8 22 3 33 3rd 60 48 11 Total 70 82 16 78

6 Decision from WTSA 2004 NGN SG build based on SG13 and Signaling Req. from SG 11 : now become SG 13 again SG 13 became father of FG NGN SG 13 (NGN SG) has a responsibility to coordinate : SG2, 11, 19 as well as others on NGN related issues TSAG will review status on NGN in two years : merge SG11 + SG 13 FG made by Director also have financial support from TSB : modified Rec. A.7 SG 13 set up management team : Brian Moore (Chairman) + 8 Vice Chairmen

7 Mandates SG 13 and FG NGN Questions for SG 13 Q Question title Status
Project coordination and release planning for NGN : FG WG1 Continuation of Q.12/13 (WP1) B/13 Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services in NGN : FG WG1 Continuation of Q.11/13 (WP3) C/13 Principles and functional architecture for NGN: FG WG2 Continuation of Q.1/13 (WP2) D/13 Requirements and framework for QoS for NGN: FG WG3 Continuation of Q.16/13 (WP2) E/13 OAM and network management for NGN Continuation of Q.3/13 (WP3) F/13 NGN mobility and fixed-mobile convergence: FG WG2 New G/13 Network and service interworking in NGN environment Continuation of Q.5/13 (WP2) H/13 Service scenarios and deployment models of NGN: FG WG1, FG WG6 I/13 Impact of IPV6 to an NGN J/13 Interoperability of satellite with terrestrial and Next Generation Networks (NGNs) Continuation of Q.13/13 (WP2) K/13 General network terminology Continuation of Q.15/13 (WP1) NEW? Futures : FG WG7 NGN Security (See H/17): FG WG5 A/17 Frame relay ? B/17 Public data networks C1/17 Protocols and service mechanisms for Multi-service Data Networks (MSDN)

8 Mandates SG 13 and FG NGN Mandates for FG NGN
Functional & Nomadicity Architecture (base on IMS & non-IMS) QoS (include the xDSL Access) and Security Capability (inc. Authentication) NGN Control and Signaling Capability Evolution from CGN to NGN WG Area Deliverables WG 1 SR (Service Requirements) NGN Scope, Releases 1 / General Requirements, Servie and Capability, Mobility Services and Capabilities WG 2 FAM (Functional Architecture, and Mobility) Req. and Architecture, Functional Req. for NGN Mobility, Functional Req. for Soft Router WG 3 QoS (Quality of Services) TR-123.qos, TR-msnniqos, TR-NGN.qos, TR-NGN.NHNperf, TR-e2eqos.1, TR-enet, TR-atmipa, TR-racs, TR-ipaqos WG 4 CSC (Control & Signalling) TRQ.IP QoS.SIG.CS1 WG 5 SeC (Security Capability) NGN Security Framework WG 6 Evol (Evolution) Evolution of Networks to NGN, PSTN evolution to NGN WG7 FPBN (Future Packet-based Network) Future Packet Network requirements

9 Future Direction ITU-T members strongly request global NGN standards : WTSA 2004 FG NGN has been given enough momentum from industry : within 3 meetings (total 13 days) processing 28 deliverables, 180 contributions received (out of 246 Input documents) Most of industry wish to keep this momentum in ITU-T FG NGN formally belong to NGN SG (SG 13) Focus Group give additional mean for industry : not recommendations (TS or TR) but enough for industry, frequent meeting in almost every two months yield rapid results to the market Continuation of FG NGN will be quite useful

10 Proposal Common proposal for continuation of FG NGN to SG 13 meeting : December 2004 (not in FG NGN) Develop the best way to harmonize between WPs (SG 13) and WGs (FG NGN) Mappings between Questions (SG 13) and Deliverables (FG NGN) SG 13 (12/04) SG 13 (5/05) SG 13 (9/05) FG NGN (11/04) FG NGN (01/05) FG NGN (03/05) FG NGN (06/05) Works like WP or Rapporteurs meeting

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