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Trust wide set up of Video Consultations – stages

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1 Trust wide set up of Video Consultations – stages
C. Documents in place DPIA, guidance, tariff agreement, generic patient information, evaluation tools Co-design local clinic SOP and *local business case (signed off), local patient information and letters, evaluation B. Trust wide support, engagement and sign off Senior management – IT, IG, finance, business informatics, service managers Clinical and administrative teams A. Why and how? Business case justification (logic model) Organisational level Service level * ‘Local business case’ at BH includes: aim for service, types of appointments, selection of patients, evaluation, costs, volume activity, signatures to accept responsibilities and approval from IT, IG, Clinical and service manager/s Trust wide support, engagement and sign off – support departments (IT, IG, finance, service managers), senior leadership, clinical and administrative teams. 2. Documents in place – DPIA, SOP/s, guidance documents, tariff, patient information, evaluation tools 3. Testing - clinic based plans, equipment purchase/set up, work flow, staff consultation and training, pilot (objective setting and planning / pilot and evaluation) 4. Roll out – chosen software provider, modification of electronic booking system to record appointments as video (linked to tariff), process for setting up of new clinics, systematic recording of lessons learnt and evaluation metrics, learning from different specialties, review across Trust (impact on income and IT) 5. Services redesign – tariffs / contract for new video only clinics and new uses for video, clinicians working from different locations, review F. Service re-design Video only clinics, clinicians working from different locations (including home), new uses for video, potential efficiency savings at scale E. Roll out Chosen software provider, processes for setting up new clinics, systematic evaluation, agreed tariff, review Clinical teams follow agreed processes, local co-design and adaption, local set up on EPR D. Local pilot Service level – set up on EPR (to record video appointments), equipment purchase, technical set up, staff consultation and training, recruit and consent patients, pilot PDSAs, evaluation and feedback Evaluate and feedback

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