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Fitness Check: Water Framework Directive, its daughter Directives and the Floods Directive SCG meeting 8 November 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Fitness Check: Water Framework Directive, its daughter Directives and the Floods Directive SCG meeting 8 November 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitness Check: Water Framework Directive, its daughter Directives and the Floods Directive
SCG meeting 8 November 2018

2 Water Framework Directive Floods Directive
Pharmaceuticals in the environment Fitness Check Plastics Strategy (microplastics) Environmental Quality Standards Directive Groundwater Directive Water re-use COM proposal Water Framework Directive Floods Directive Birds Directve Evaluation Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Bathing Water Directive Habitats Directive Nitrates Directive Marine Strategy Framework Directive Drinking Water Directive Plant Protection Products Directive Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Industrial Emmissions Directive Sewage Sludge Directive Seveso Directive

3 Water acquis evaluations

4 Methodology -Exemplary Evaluation questions
Efficiency Effectiveness Relevance Coherence EU-added value The evaluation questions address all the obligatory evaluation criteria. Fitness Check water law: the Terms of Reference for the support studies for the evaluation includes questions, both general and more detailed, for the different five criteria. These questions are being further developed by the contractor, and in particular to take into account the synergies and the specificities of the different 4 Directives subject of the Fitness Check. In the case of the UWWTD evaluation, the Roadmap included a number of questions for each criteria, which have been further developed (support study): - Effectiveness check will investigate the following: In how far have the set objectives been achieved and to what extent is the intervention logic of the Directive still appropriate? To what extent are the provisions of the Directive translated into concrete, appropriate and clear requirements? What are the main barriers to full implementation? To what extent are the main targeted pollutants collected and treated in an effective way? To what extent is the Directive achieving the polluter pays principle? How well does the Directive promote a sustainable approach, for example for phosphorus and nitrogen recycling, for treatment plants to be neutral from energy/GHG emissions? To what extent are the main pollutants released by urban areas collected and treated? - Elements reflecting on the efficiency will consider several angles: Has the Directive achieved the expected results in an efficient manner, at MS and EU level? What are the costs and benefits associated with the implementation of the UWWTD and how proportionate are these costs and benefits? What are the main financing, investment and management issues, also with regards to EU funding for implementation? How does compliance with the Directive impact on the affordability of water services? To what extent is the administrative burden incurred by Member States and the Commission through monitoring and reporting mechanisms proportionate? - The relevance aspect of the evaluation will focus on the following aspects: To what extent is the UWWTD still relevant to achieve its objectives of the protection of the environment from the adverse effects of waste water discharges? To what extent are the limit values for pollutants still valid? To what extent does the directive encourage/facilitate innovation and adaptation? How are emerging pollutants covered by the Directive? To what extent is the Directive relevant to achieve a circular economy in the EU? How relevant is the Directive in the light of the changing international contexts, such as the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030? - The evaluation of coherence focuses on questions such as: How coherent is the Directive – internally (across its articles); with related EU water legislation; with downstream legislation such as the Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC) and/or the Bathing water Directive (76/160EEC)? - The EU-added value will be evaluated by investigating the extent to which an EU-level approach is needed to reach the objectives of the Directive and whether the issues addressed by the Directive continue to require action at EU level.

5 Ongoing / recent studies
Methodology Literature review Stakeholder consultation Ongoing / recent studies Public Consultation Literature review: Results and follow-up of the 2012 Blueprint 2 cycles of RBMPs 1 cycle of FRMPs CIS deliverables and guidance documents On-going and planned studies, such as: Integrated assessment (drivers, pressures, state, impacts, resources – and how policy areas interact) Economic study (BLUE2) ECA performance audit on floods (conclusion Q4 2018) and European Court of Auditor reports on UWWTD implementation OECD study “water investment needs and financing capacities in the 28 EU MSs”), mainly for the UWWTD and the Floods Directiv Storm water overflows, COD Scientific literature Stakeholder input Targeted consultation covering a wide range of relevant stakeholders, including Member States at national and regional level – surveys, validation interviews Open public consultations: Fitness Check - Open online public consultation: to be launched in September 2018 (all official languages) UWWTD - Open online public consultation: to be launched in July 2018 (all official languages) Workshops for different topics – possible joint workshop for both Fitness Check water law and UWWTD evaluation European Water Conference September 2018 in Vienna Modelling Fitness Check: JRC modelling of pressures at EU level Historic construction 1990, 2005 and today Full implementation Storm water overflows Individual appropriate systems OECD study Investment needs and financing strategies

6 Existing information EU water legislation: WFD (2000)
Groundwater (2006) EQSD (2008) Floods Directive (2007) Information via reporting by Member States: WFD (RBMPs) and Floods Directive (FRMPs) – WISE reporting Common Implementation Strategy – guidance documents and other deliverables, input from working groups and workshops on all aspects of implementation Many infringement cases in the past and ongoing Information through Court of Auditor reports - Performance audit on the Floods Directive - EU-funding of Urban Waste Water Treatment plants in the Danube river basin - Combating eutrophication in the Baltic Sea - Water quality in the Danube river basin

7 Fitness Check Some important issues to be raised during the evaluation
Apparent insufficient progress on achieving WFD objectives One-out-all-out principle Governance Non-deterioration obligation Definition of 2 different status - chemical and ecological Flexibility through exemptions 2027 final deadline for application of exemptions Quantification of costs and benefits Reporting tools (WISE) Policy coherence (agriculture, energy, transport) Climate change and water quantity / water quality Water pricing, and polluter pays principle Floods Directive – overarching progress indicator Duration of the RBMPs cycles, and reporting cycles of other related law Integration of the objectives of protected areas within the RBMPs Link drivers- pressures-measures

8 1st Workshop on methodology and preliminary findings – 10 October 2018
Over 60 participants From many MS competent authorities And various stakeholders Objective of the workshop Assist in locating where the study should focus its attention, through garnering information from stakeholders Presentation of: Intervention logic Consultation methods and timing for stakeholders' involvement Preliminary findings and gaps (from literature review) Evaluation matrix / questions Main topics raised (not exhaustive): Quantification of costs and benefits Cost recovery and resource and environmental costs Public participation, governance, and transboundary implementation Difficulty for Directives tackle diffuse pollution Importance of correct application of exemptions Link to the protected areas for drinking water Coherence with other EU environmental and sectoral legislation/policies

9 Implementation of WFD (RBMPs) and measures under UWWTD
Joint workshop with UWWTD evaluation – pollutants of emerging concern – 24 October 2018 50 participating Experts representing all stakeholders (i.e. Member States competent authorities, industry, NGOs, academia) Pharmaceuticals What actions are being taken to capture pharmaceuticals in the waste water treatment plants? Microplastics Massive amounts of microplastics and microfibers are being found in waste water No available techniques Transferring the problem with the sludge Coherence Implementation of WFD (RBMPs) and measures under UWWTD

10 Timetable Publication of roadmap Finalisation of ToR October 2017
Launch support study – Fitness Check April 2018 Launch of public consultation – until 4 March 2019 Launch of targeted consultation and experts workshops September 2018 Targeted consultation with relevant stakeholders (starting now) First 2 workshop – October 2018 Next workshops on validation of findings (March/May 2019) Q2/Q3 2019 Finalisation of support studies Commission report on Fitness Check October 2018 –March 2019 Cooperation Fitness Check - UWWTD evaluation

11 UWWTD Evaluation Assessment of the functioning of the directive in the past: Effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, EU-added value and coherence Cooperation with WFD and Floods Directive Fitness Check ongoing Joint consultation strategy Consultation activities Public Consultation Expert work-shops in Q3/4 2018; Topics: storm water overflows and individual appropriate systems, emerging pollutants, cost and benefits of the UWWTD. Stakeholder conference - 16 Nov 2018: Presentation of preliminary findings Publication of the roadmap Q4 '17 Start of open public consultation 14 weeks 13 July '18 Stakeholder conference 16 Nov '18 Finalization of study and publication of SWD Q3 '19 Launch evaluative study Q1 '18 Expert workshops Q3/4 '18

12 Thank you.

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