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Common Ailments Service & Pharmacy Enhanced Services

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1 Common Ailments Service & Pharmacy Enhanced Services
ABMU Choose Pharmacy, Common Ailments Service & Pharmacy Enhanced Services Lowri Lowe Primary Care Programme Manager Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board Tel:  Neath Port Talbot

2 Background to Choose Pharmacy
Programme for Government “Make better use of pharmacists to improve access to services by providing the first port of call for the consultation and treatment of common minor ailments”.

3 The Platform Allows access to the NHS patient consultation record
Allows access to electronic discharge advice letter (e-DAL)- ABMU will have Mted by the end of 2017 to enable this function. Access to Welsh GP Record (WGPR) Electronic claims Patient Identifiable Information (PII) stored and transferred. Pharmacists must use personal NHS Address Uses intelligent data triangulation and audit logs to detect potential inappropriate access Contractors must investigate all potential breaches – All Wales procedure (developed with CPW) NHS consultation record is transferable between pharmacies, a new and important development. The WDS (Wales) and PDS (England) allow pharmacies to verify details for any patient from E or W Hospitals which utilise MTED (Medicines Transcribing and Electronic Discharge) will produce and electronic discharge advice letter (eDAL) which pharmacies can access for the DMR service. Currently utilised in Prince Charles Hospital and being rolled out across Powys community hospitals. Hoped that it will be available in more DGHs across Wales in the near future. The WGPR was formerly known as the Individual Health Record and is a summary of key patient information such as recent medication and known allergies. Readable only. Choose Pharmacy will prepare claims for enhanced and advanced services in the background as they are delivered, so will cut down on the form filling currently required.

4 The Common Ailment Service

5 Common Ailment Service (CAS)
CAS is intended to: encourage patients who would otherwise have visited a GP to visit the pharmacy instead; provide advice and, where necessary, treatment; promote self care, thereby increasing resilience. The service is not intended to: be viewed as a ‘free medicines supply’ service; convert people, who would otherwise have purchased a medicine, from self care to pharmacy care

6 Who’s eligible? All patients registered with a Welsh GP or living in Wales Patients must attend the pharmacy Children must attend with a parent or guardian The patient must consent to the service being provided i.e. provide consent for the pharmacist to access the WDS and Choose pharmacy record and consent to information being held on the choose pharmacy system Patients must register for the service

7 26 Ailments Covered ACNE (new) ATHLETE’S FOOT BACKACHE (ACUTE) (new)
CHICKEN POX (under 14s) (new) COLD SORES (new)(AO) COLIC (new)(AO) CONJUNCTIVITIS (BACTERIAL) CONSTIPATION DIARRHOEA (AO) DRY EYES (new) DRY SKIN (new) HAEMORRHOIDS (new) HAY FEVER HEAD LICE INDIGESTION AND REFLUX INGROWING TOENAIL (new)(AO) INTERTRIGO/RINGWORM (new) MOUTH ULCERS (new) NAPPY RASH (new) ORAL THRUSH (new) SCABIES (new) SORE THROAT / TONSILLITIS TEETHING (new) THREADWORMS VAGINAL THRUSH VERRUCA  (AO) – Advice Only Medicines can only be supplied in line with their product licence or the PGD i.e. Chlorampheinol 0.5% eye drops cannot be supplied to children<2y Some conditions have a maximum number of treatments per year- e.g. Conjunctivitis 2, Threadworm 1, Hayfever 6

8 Consultation Letter to be sent to GP (9NlQ)

9 Making It Work ABMU HB will be undertaking launch events with each GP practice and Community Pharmacy. Needs ongoing good communication between pharmacy, patient and GP to succeed.

10 ABMU Implementation Implementation commenced in October 2017 with go-lives across cluster areas NWIS are rolling out to 5 pharmacies every week. Pharmacies will be supported by Primary Care Specialists in NWIS for a pre go-live visit and go-live visit into every Community Pharmacy. All Pharmacies in ABMU will have the Choose Pharmacy IT Platform and the Common Ailments Service by September 2018

11 Implementation Plan (subject to change)
Penderri Cluster: October LIVE Cwmtawe Cluster: November LIVE City Cluster: January LIVE Bay Cluster : April Currently being rolled out. Neath Cluster: Mid April 2018 Bridgend West Cluster: May 2018 Bridgend North Cluster: June 2018 Upper Valleys Cluster: July 2018 Bridgend East Cluster: Mid July 2018 Llwchwr Cluster: August 2018 Afan Valley Cluster: Mid August 2018 ABMU will be holding a Choose Pharmacy/CAS launch event at the end of August for all contractors, patients and ABMU staff.

12 Any questions ?

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