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2 Mrs. Silvers BUZZ OF THE WEEK Bradley Elementary School nd Grade

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1 2 Mrs. Silvers BUZZ OF THE WEEK Bradley Elementary School nd Grade
Aug 29-Sep 2 Bradley Elementary School Save the Dates           September: 2- NO SCHOOL 5- NO SCHOOL 9- Freedom Walk(more info coming) 15- Miss Leno 2:30 Spelling spiral homework: due on Thursday! Reading Logs: read 20 minutes each night Reading/Math packet: due on Thursday! Spelling Words List Words: tune, page, nose, space, size, fine, mice, late, cube, blaze, home, vote Challenge Words: erase, spice, confuse <<< Goals >>> Reading Story: Exploring Space with an Astronaut Focus Skill: Reading Nonfiction Texts Nonfiction 5 W’s Grammar/Writing Identifying subjects in sentences Spelling CVCe Long Vowel patterns Math Number concepts through 999 Homework Please look at your child’s planner/ folder each evening for homework/info. Spelling, Reading, Math HW and Reading Logs will need to be turned in each Thursday. Specials 1:45-2:30 Mon: Library Tues: Music Wed: P.E. Thurs: Art Fri: Library Social Studies Communities Questions or concerns? (913) ext.1104

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