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«Batys Marka Lamb» Ltd – the meat-processing complex that meets most strict international standards of conversion and product quality. The company produces.

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Presentation on theme: "«Batys Marka Lamb» Ltd – the meat-processing complex that meets most strict international standards of conversion and product quality. The company produces."— Presentation transcript:


2 «Batys Marka Lamb» Ltd – the meat-processing complex that meets most strict international standards of conversion and product quality. The company produces only organic range-raised in natural steppe conditions lamb. We developed our own engineering and architectural solution that has the entire production process.

3 Our quality management system is certified according to international standards ISO 9001 and HACCP. The industrial complex contains facilities for pre lethal content, tunnels of low-voltage devocalization, boxes of ritual devocalization, system of vertical and horizontal bleeding that allows the entity meet Halal standards.

4 Disposition of the meat-processing complex
sq. m Lamb slaughter facilities territory 6574 sq. m Overall territory of all buildings Disposition of the meat-processing complex Further development: organization of self-feeding lots and spawning school facility in order to provide an even better base for organic sheep meat and wool production 1400 heads per one work shift Modern equipment of leading world manufacturers: Italian company: Our quality management system allows tracking the entire production process chain, not missing a single detail that affects the quality of final product. The list includes high standards of farming, animal husbandry, tillage and cropping. The company's products meet domestic and international quality standards.

5 Livestock base constitution: The Company specializes in organic farming and meat production. The livestock is pasture-raised and complies all organic standards

6 The total of the finished products
Company presence by regions: we are flexible to demand changes due to markets diversification RUSSIA Moscow A significant portion of production is exported (about 80%) Russia At the domestic market The Middle East The total of the finished products 100% 24,3% 27,2% 48,5% Batys Marka Lamb KAZAKHSTAN Iran The Middle East

7 Equipment and Systems Slaughterhouse scheme
«Batys Marka Lamb» employs ROVANI equipment, which is considered to be one of the best in the world slaughtering industry Slaughterhouse scheme The integrated architectural and technical solutions ensure maximum safety and the best quality to customers Equipment and Systems

8 «Batys Marka Lamb» employs ROVANI equipment, which is considered to be one of the best in the world slaughtering industry We can produce lamb meat in carcasses or cuts based on witch our customer is needed. Lamb carcasses Lamb cuts

9 Edilbay sheep This breed belongs to the coarse-wooled fat-tailed type of sheep and the Kazakh group. Edilbay sheep are very hardy, as they were breed to conform to nomadic life in the semi-deserts and deserts of Kazakhstan. They are adapted to severe winter frosts and summer droughts, can travel over long distances and thrive on poor feed conditions. Their yearly lambing rate is 110–120 lambs born for every 100 ewes. They are mainly bred for their meat and tail fat. At four months old, carcass weight is around 22 kg (49 lb) and tail fat weight is around 3–4 kg (6.6–8.8 lb). Well-grown wethers can reach a rump weight of 40–45 kg (88–99 lb) and a tail fat weight of 12–14 kg (26–31 lb).

10 We are committed to fostering long-term relationships with our customers and partners, especially from China. We are ready to start negotiations on the supply of our products for frozen lamb carcasses to Khorgos or Dostyk borders.

11 CONTACTS Website:
Legal address: Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan Region, , Akzhaiksky district, village of Chapayev, Chapayev-Zhanakala Route St. of 1 km, structure 1. Postal address: Kazakhstan, , Astana, St. Kerey & Zhanibek khandar, house No. 5, Office 49. Website:

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