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Being Single, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Living Together Key Terms

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1 Being Single, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Living Together Key Terms
Chapter 4 Being Single, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Living Together Key Terms

2 Youthhood That period of time between adolescence and adulthood, which is characterized by lower percentages of youth finishing school, leaving home, getting married, having a child, and reaching financial independence by age 30 than in previous years.

3 Intentional Community (Commune)
A group of people who choose to live together on the basis of a set of shared values. Hanging Out Going out in groups where the agenda is to meet others and have fun.

4 Hooking Up A one-time sexual encounter in which there is generally no expectation of seeing each other again. Bundling A courtship custom commonly practiced among the Puritans that involved the would-be groom’s sleeping in the girl’s bed in her parents’ home, with rules to restrict sexual contact.

5 Blind marriage The bride and groom are prevented from seeing each other for the first time until their wedding day. Cohabitation Residing in the same living quarters. Also known as living together.

6 POSSLQ People of the opposite sex sharing living quarters. Common-law marriage A couple living together, defining themselves as married, and wanting other people to view them as a married couple.

7 Palimony Refers to the amount of money one “pal” who lives with another “pal” may have to pay if the partners end their relationship.

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