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Building Liaison Relationships: Some Practical Ideas

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1 Building Liaison Relationships: Some Practical Ideas
Yelena Luckert University of Maryland Libraries

2 My Liaison Responsibilities
Departments: History, Jewish, Slavic and Women’s Studies Over 70 tenured and tenure track faculty Adjunct, visiting, affiliated faculty 821 undergraduate majors (678 from history) 155 graduate students (126 from history)

3 Description of Liaison Work
“Librarian liaisons are assigned to academic departments and/or subject areas for which they serve, in effect, as ambassadors for the library to their academic community. Librarian liaisons often serve as the primary link between the library and the academic departments and their faculty and students. Ideally, liaisons serve as the chief point of communication and service between the faculty and the departments that comprise their academic community “(Gettysburg College, coll_dev/

4 Responsibilities of a Liaison Librarian
Subject specialist for the discipline Collection development & management Library instruction One-on-one consultations & specialized reference Main contact to the department

5 Does Background Matter?
Learning on the job MLS Subject knowledge Necessary for reference, collections, teaching Advanced degree Can be gained Continues learning

6 Does Background Matter? --Continues Learning
Library literature Subject specific literature Departmental conferences, lectures, brown bags, events National & International subject specific conferences, meetings, conventions Taking classes Discussions with faculty Choose what to attend based on your needs

7 Does Background matter?
Foreign languages Ask faculty for help if need be Remain in control

8 Know Your Own Library Can’t represent the library without deep understanding of functions, policies, regulations & limitations within the library Each part of liaison job requires its own set of negotiations and partnerships

9 Negotiations – Collection Mgmt
Collegial relationships with processing departments/units At UM it is Technical Services Division (or TSD) = Acquisitions, Cataloging, Preservation Consider impact of collection decisions on staff and resources of these units Work to develop reasonable workflow patterns and expectations Reject some, accept others

10 Negotiations -- Other Units within Library
Gifts and endowments Money & donor issues must be dealt with extreme care Will become more common in our work Strong relationships with other liaisons Interdisciplinary research Cooperation in collection development, instruction, reference

11 Be Professional Active Outside Home Library
Subject specialist is a unique position in one’s library Meet others who are experts in the field Opportunity to learn Great resource in solving difficult issues or in making informed decision Opportunity to contribute to the development of the field

12 Library Commitment Effective liaison program is determined by the library’s commitment to it Liaison programs are one of the most effective communication tools between libraries and academic departments – Valuable to Libraries Liaison culture must be nurtured in libraries and given full commitment It takes time for a liaison to develop as a professional Commitment from Library Administration

13 Commitment from Library Administration
Overseer of the program Help in developing venues in campus communications Support in professional development of the liaisons Encourage library-wide support of the program

14 Commitment from others in the library
Liaison work is often not very visible to other library staff It is sometimes hard for staff to understand liaison’s commitment to needs of their faculty and students Liaisons involvement in policy making decisions that effect users is crucial Staff & liaisons must work together on solving issues Staff too serves faculty and students

15 Communication with Departments
Effective communication with departments is the purpose of the liaison system “Buy in” from departments Communication with department is the responsibility of a liaison, not the other way around

16 Some Practical Advise on Communication
Use already established means of communication that department has in place Meetings, listserves, office hours, etc. Try various things, different things work with different people or departments

17 Organizational Structure of the department
Understanding organizational structure of the department is very important Different departments have different structure Chair, Associate Chair, Director for Undergraduate Studies, etc. At UM we have departmental liaisons, they are library liaison’s first contacts Be flexible in working with departments

18 “Right” Amount of Communication
Not a hard written rule Always provide subject heading in s Always fully understand the purpose & nature of listserves you plan to use Some appropriate things to send are: Changes in collection budgets, new policies and procedures that effect users directly, lists of new books, critical information about publishing trends Ask the library dept which issued new policy to write the official announcement

19 Goals of Communication
Reach faculty and students Become a resource to them Learn department’s priorities & future directions Follow changes in curriculum (HIST208) Creating better student educational experience Creating better collections & research environment Cooperation and building partnerships Library and non-Library related

20 Personal relationships
Can’t emphasize enough importance of personal relationships They lace everything that liaisons do Open doors to possibilities of participation in department’s life Good professional relationships turn to personal friendships Get to know your faculty and students

21 When Relations Become Mature
Different for different departments Full acceptance of the liaison & his/hers contributions in the life of the department Opportunity to better integrate & promote library in academic life of the department In curriculum development, projects, etc. Limits are set only by the imagination of a liaison him/her self

22 Conclusion Liaison work is time consuming, constantly evolving, work intensive Prove yourself through every day performance and contributions to department teaching and research Market liaison services to departments and library See faculty as colleagues and partners – we work for the same mission: better educational experience of our students and advancement in standing of our institutions Crucial for survival of library on campus

23 Thank you

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