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Relationships between biocide concentrations and microbial species.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships between biocide concentrations and microbial species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships between biocide concentrations and microbial species.
Relationships between biocide concentrations and microbial species. (a) Spearman correlations between microbial species and triclosan (TCS) or triclocarban (TCC) concentrations (ng g−1 dust), with significance as determined by HAllA (see Materials and Methods). The margin shows species’ occurrence frequencies for subjects in the Expanded Human Microbiome Project (35). (b) Number of resistance modules annotated in the pangenomes of species in the rows of panel a. Modules are members of the “Drug resistance” and “Drug efflux transporter/pump” KEGG (38) categories. The size of each bubble is scaled proportionally to the fraction of rooms in which both species-specific marker genes (i.e., the results of MetaPhlAn2 [50]) and the drug resistance gene were detected. Ashkaan K. Fahimipour et al. mSystems 2018; doi: /mSystems

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