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Classification systems

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1 Classification systems
Representing EEA in WG 2.4.

2 WFD - the normative classification can be summarized as:
high ≈ no or only minor deviations; good ≈ low levels of disturbance, but deviate only slightly; moderate ≈ moderate deviations and significant effects; poor ≈ major biological alterations and substantial deviation; bad ≈ severe biological alterations and large deviation.

3 Two branches - Ecological status and Chemical status
Ecological status - 5 classes (previous slide) including quality elements Phytoplankton Phytobenthos Zoobenthos + Fish fauna (transitional waters) Supporting Chemical and physical elements (including nutrients and oxygen) Chemical status - 2 classes: Good and Failing to Achieve Good status. Quality elements: HS according to list of priority substances

4 WFD - stipulates 3 types of monitoring
Surveillance - status & long-term changes Operational - systems at risk & ameliorative effects Investigative - ascertain causes of systems failing to meet environmental objectives

5 Errors associated with classification - sample collection & processing
sampling variability (e.g. natural spatial heterogeneity) sample processing (sort & identification) natural temporal variability asymmetrical pollution effects

6 Example of stressor - response relationship

7 Choice of upper anchor 95% CI may result in higher frequency of type 1 errors (false +) 10th percentile may result in higher frequency of type 2 errors (false -)

8 Choice of lower anchor zero value may result in higher frequency of type 2 errors minimum value may result in higher frequency of type 1 errors

9 Probability of misbanding (PM)†
misclassification error increases markedly with band-width error! †Taken from Clarke 2000

10 Where do we start?

11 Extrapolating lab results to field
relationships between test species and some stressors are known BUT... data not applicable to entire communities unsuitable for systems disturbed by other stressors


13 Do different approaches differ?
What is the expected variability among methods commonly used to establish reference?

14 What is the reference value of element X?
x+n x+1

15 Paleore Expert Regional Site-specific Monitoring construction opinion
model a r c t i / l n e o h b m d s u Site-specific Monitoring model

16 The WFD is only the first footprint, we still need to find the path!

17 To find the path we need:
Reference conditions to start Agree on the “equipment and tools” monitoring data expert knowledge - general and site spesific statistics what about introduced species? Can we “go shopping” in existing nationals systems? Intercalibration - to agree on the borders between good and moderate, good and Failing to Achieve Good status

18 When the classification system is in place, how do we use it?
Phytoplankton: Good Zoobenthos: Good Nutrients: Good Oxygen: Good Chemical status: Failing to Achieve Good status => Ecological Status = Good => Chemical Status = Red light

19 When the classification system is in place, how do we use it?
Phytoplankton: Good Zoobenthos: Moderate Nutrients: Good/Moderate Oxygen: Good/Moderate Chemical status: Good => Ecological Status = Moderate => Chemical Status = Good

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