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“…chi ha provato il volo, camminerà guardando il cielo”

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Presentation on theme: "“…chi ha provato il volo, camminerà guardando il cielo”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “…chi ha provato il volo, camminerà guardando il cielo”
Towards Stem Materials: A new generation of bio-inspired materials: technological and scientific challenges “…chi ha provato il volo, camminerà guardando il cielo” “…Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward” Pier Francesco Moretti ULB, Brussels - 25 June 2019

2 Why and how: the back-casting foresight What (do we expect)
Rationale Why and how: the back-casting foresight What (do we expect) What (do we know) What (do we need to solve)

3 The different approaches of foresight

4 Building the path towards the future
Where are we going? vs Where do we want to go? BUILDING = backcasting ADAPTING = forecasting

5 What we expect from Materials

6 Building the path towards the future: if in 1998….
Facebook Smart phone DNA sequencing 1st CRISPR 1 quantum message First human transplant of stem cell 2017 1st animal cloning Amazon e-commerce Parrot drone 3d-printing Highway-capable electric vehicle First Nanomotor Laser induced underwater com AKIDA neuromorphic chip Non-invasive brain-computer interface 1999 AI4reason What “scientific” breakthrough? Galvani, Volta, Marconi, Pasteur, Einstein, Fermi, Marie-Curie…… From unpredictability of discoveries to identification of the right questions!

7 What do we expect for next generation of materials
The dream A clue Multi-Functionality + sustainability endurance [performance] Organisms! with limited number of primary components and chemical bonds, organized in complex systems capable to adapt to diversified environments. The visionary proposal Stem Materials: use of primitive units which, even if not able to differentiate spontaneously in several other types, undergo a process of transformation aimed to make them capable of adapt to specific requirements. Main questions: 1) Are there primitive units for materials? 2) Can we address functions to the units? 3) Can be these units assembled/transformed to adapt?

8 Is this science fiction?
First scoping workshop, March 2017: what do we know or need to know better Material Science: the genetic code for materials Chemical Synthetic Biology: from information to the adapting to the exposome 10 top-scientists: 3 ERC grantees et al. (Calarco, Vulpiani, Marzari, Luisi…)

9 What do we need to address

10 1) to achieve a general and breakthrough
Different paths While experiments and analogies seem to drive the advances in these researches, we have two options: 1) to achieve a general and breakthrough mathematical framework for primitive units, as a sort of ribosome of Materials, and their combinations and/or 2) an accurate and flexible empirical framework to satisfy any request for functionality and performance of materials.

11 Multi-cross-disciplinarity
Second face-to-face workshop, December 2018: 20 top-scentists from KR, CH, PT, DE, NL, IT…how to proceed. The Materials' Genetic code Living Materials systems Non-equilibrium of nanostructures The role of chaos and rhythms in order and functioning A whole-cell computational model: phenotype vs genotype …and: topology, neuromorphic circuits, 4D materials, epigenetics, quantum mechanics.

12 What do we need to focus on
INTERFACES & Non-equilibr. Space-time organization & dynamics NETWORKS & SCALES Transport/ meaning of info/energy multi-states systems

13 How to “focus” Physics Model 1 Model 2 … Model n Medicine Material
Science Chemistry Physics Sociology Biology Maths Model 1 Model 2 Model n Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment m

14 The ABraCAdabra A C B Can we design, test, learn?

15 From a market which does not exist to an integration of ideas”
KEY MESSAGES From “Internet OF Things” to “Internet IN Things” From “From ideas to market” to From a market which does not exist to an integration of ideas”

16 It is not fiction: organisms exist!

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