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The Passive Voice In most sentences the subject performs the action of the verb. example : Meine Mutter bringt die Wäsche in den Keller. My mother is.

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Presentation on theme: "The Passive Voice In most sentences the subject performs the action of the verb. example : Meine Mutter bringt die Wäsche in den Keller. My mother is."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Passive Voice In most sentences the subject performs the action of the verb. example : Meine Mutter bringt die Wäsche in den Keller. My mother is taking the laundry to the basement. subject verb direct object In some sentences the subject receives the action of the verb. example : Die Wäsche wird von meiner Mutter in den Keller gebracht. subject verb agent verb The laundry is being taken to the basement by my mother.


3 Active or Passive? John tore out the page
Active Voice Agent Changed to Passive Voice                              The presiding officer                                                                    The leaders                                                                  The scientists Active Voice Agent Changed to Passive Voice                              The presiding officer                                                                    The leaders                                                                  The scientists Active Voice Agent Changed to Passive Voice                              The presiding officer                                                                    The leaders                                                                  The scientists Active or Passive? John tore out the page The page was torn out by John. The page was torn out. Cats hate furballs. Furballs are hated by cats.

4 Forming the Passive Voice
The Passive Voice IN THE PRESENT TENSE is formed by using the verb WERDEN followed by the past participle. ich du er/sie/es wir, sie, Sie ihr werde wirst + geverb wird werden werdet

5 Forming the Passive Voice
The Passive Voice THE PAST TENSE is formed by using the verb WERDEN IN THE SIMPLE PAST followed by the past participle. ich du er/sie/es wir, sie, Sie ihr wurde wurdest + geverb wurde wurden wurdet

6 The Agent in Passive Voice
The subject in a passive sentence is being acted upon. The person performing the action is called the agent. The agent is expressed using the dative preposition VON. example : Ich werde von meinem Freund abgeholt. I will be picked up by my friend. If the action of the verb is performed by a thing, rather than a person, that instrument is expressed using the accusative preposition DURCH. example : Die Bücher werden durch die Schule gekauft. The books will be bought by the school.

7 WERDEN / WURDEN ich du er/sie/es wir, sie, Sie ihr

8 THE USAGE OF WERDEN werden as a main verb “to become” Er wird Arzt
werden as “will” in future tense Er wird mich anrufen. werden in the passive voice Der Brief wird morgen geschrieben K K K K

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