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Click here to create your login ID and pin

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Presentation on theme: "Click here to create your login ID and pin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click here to create your login ID and pin
This statement applies to CREDIT classes ONLY. If you have never taken a credit course at MC you MUST apply as a first time user. Click here to create your login ID and pin

2 It is important that you write this information down if you have to access your application at a later date.

3 Select Credit Admission Application.




7 Please enter your phone number

8 Please enter a current email address

9 U. S. Citizens do not need to complete this section
U.S. Citizens do not need to complete this section. If this section does not apply to you, click the continue button below to go to the next section.

10 Enter in your anticipated graduation date


12 Select your anticipated program of study from the dropdown list.

13 After entering in your electronic signature, click on the “continue” button to return to the checklist screen.

14 Once all applicable sections are complete, click on “Application is Complete” button.


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