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Occupational safety and health (OSH)

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational safety and health (OSH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational safety and health (OSH)

2 Definition As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) "occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards." Occupational safety & health (OSH) is a cross- disciplinary area concerned with protecting the health, safety and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The technique or system which protects employees from physical and mental harm (Like injury and illness) caused by hazards present in workplace.

3 Is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goal of all occupational health and safety programs is to promote a safe work environment. As a secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment.

4 OSH purpose No deterioration in the health of the workers at the end of their service period as compared to start of their service, except for changes that normally occur due to aging.

5 Oblligations Moral employee should not have to risk injury or death at work, nor should others associated with the work environment. Legal Occupational requirements may be reinforced in civil law and/or criminal law; it is accepted that without the extra "encouragement" of potential regulatory action or litigation, many organizations would not act upon their implied moral obligations.

6 Economic Governments realize that poor occupational health and safety performance results in cost to the State (e.g. through social security payments to the incapacitated, costs for medical treatment, and the loss of the "employability" of the worker). Employing organizations also sustain costs in the event of an incident at work (such as legal fees, fines, compensatory damages, investigation time, lost production, lost goodwill from the workforce, from customers and from the wider community).

7 Who are responsible? The worker? The employer? The manager?
The government? The labour inspector? The safety and health professional?

8 Benefits for employers
Provides healthy working environment Prevents employees from accident & occupational disease Long term employment & Discourage unfair labour practice.

9 Benefits for management
Saves medical expenses & compensation No loss of working hour Reduces cost of production/service Prevents the skilled employee to quit from the job Reduces dispute Helps in promoting good relation between employees and management Gets recognition from society Improves competitive capacity of organisation & Increases productivity.

10 Benefits for nation Better quality products/services
Reduces burden on social security Sustainable economic growth and development & Promotes good governance.

11 Common osh problems in nepal
Poor electrical connection Poor lighting Glare on the surface Lack of maintenance of machineries and equipment Overload Collision on the body and object Lack of skill and education Inadequate waste disposal system Poor communication and reporting system Unaware of health condition

12 Osh prevention measures
Engineering control measures Devices in place Administrative Information, Legal Administration Training & Education Pre job placement On the job training Personal Protection Personal Hygiene Personal Protective equipment

13 Labour law provisions Subject to the provisions of this Act, the rules made under the Act and directions issued pursuant to the Act and rules, every employer shall formulate a policy on safety and health of workers and other persons in the workplace and implement it. The policy so formed shall be registered in the Office. Every employer, having 20 or more workers in any enterprise, shall constitute a Safety and Health Committee comprising of representatives of workers also in the manner as prescribed.

14 Duties of employers towards workers
Responsibilities of employer towards non-workers Duties of the responsible person Duties of manufacturers, importers and suppliers Duties of workers

15 Where any accident occurs or any person is injured or dies in an accident or suffers from any occupational disease, the employer shall inform the Office about it immediately. Employer shall make necessary arrangement for prevention and control of contagious disease in the workplace. Any worker suffering from any contagious disease may be prohibited from attending the work during the period of medical treatment.

16 Where any female worker is pregnant, the employer shall normally engage such female worker in the work which will not have any harmful effect on her health. Where any worker contracts any specified occupational disease while working in any enterprise, the prescribed amount of medical expense for the treatment of such disease or compensation, if such disease is incurable, shall be provided to such worker by the enterprise. The Office may conduct a sudden or periodic inspection to find out whether the employer has made any arrangement or not in relation to the safety and health of workers and issue necessary directions accordingly.

17 During inspection or on the basis of information received through any other source, if the Office believes that an immediate danger or risk has arisen in a workplace or there is a possibility of risk on the safety and health of worker/s or any other person/s, the Office may give direction to the employer to stop the work immediately in the workplace.

18 Where there is a possibility of causing injury or risk or serious effect on the health of the worker or others or causing loss or damage to the equipment or product or material if the work is not stopped immediately, the worker involved in such work shall inform the employer or any responsible person specified under section 71. The employer or the responsible person, after receiving the information, shall immediately give appropriate direction in relation to that. Where the employer or responsible person, at that time, is not available for the purpose of giving information, the worker himself/herself may stop the work.

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