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Indian Conflicts and the War of 1812

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1 Indian Conflicts and the War of 1812
Chapter 4, Part 2

2 Vocabulary Coalition: temporary alliance of different groups for a specific purpose Sentry: a guard posted to watch for danger Encroachment: act of trespassing or invading Restive: nervous or impatient under pressure Massacre: slaughter of a group of people

3 Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa

4 Tecumseh and Native Threats
Tecumseh – Shawnee Chief Formed a *confederacy of tribes to resist U.S. expansion Advised tribes not to sell their land Tenskwatawa “The Prophet” Religious leader & brother of Tecumseh Battle of Tippecanoe William Henry Harrison (gov. of Indiana) led 1,000 troops to Prophetstown (Tippecanoe & Wabash Rivers) Battle- Nov. 1811/ Prophetstown burned U.S. victory? Indian attacks continue British blamed


6 From:


8 Capt. John Whistler’s sketch of Ft. Dearborn

9 Map showing the battle site- top is west
"Chicago in 1812 Andreas" by Alfred Theodore Andreas (1839–1900) - History of Chicago [1]. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

10 Henry Hering’s sculpture: Defense, 1928

11 http://commons. wikimedia

12 Carl Rohl-Smith, Fort Dearborn Massacre, 1893.
Depicts Black Partridge saving John Kinzie’s daughter – currently not on display due to controversy

13 War of 1812 Indians joined with British to attack Americans in the frontier, including Illinois Fort Dearborn was commanded by Capt. Nathan Heald Heald was told to give supplies to friendly Indians, destroy ammunition, and evacuate John Kinzie, a silversmith and fur trapper, advised Heald to stay at the fort and wait for reinforcements Heald waited 5 days to decide what to giving Indians time to prepare for the attack Fought 1.5 miles from fort Heald taken prisoner, but later released

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