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Building Construction Management

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1 Building Construction Management
Name: Building Construction Management Catalog Course Requirements for Transfer Students With AA Degree from a Florida College BCN 3782 Intro to Const. Computing BCN 4720 Project Planning & Scheduling BCN 4730 Construction Safety MAC 1105 or MAC 1147 STA 2023 Elementary Statistics Second BCN Elective See list below BCN 1210C Construction Materials BCN 2280 Surveying: Construction Layout BCN 3611 Construction Cost Estimating BCN 4612 Advanced Cost Estimating CGS 1100 Computer Apps for Business BCN 4759 Construction Finance BCN Elective PICK TWO BCN 3012 History / Intro Const. BCN4751 Housing BCN4870 Heavy Civil BCN4587 Green & Sustainability BCN4871 Commercial Construction BCN 4801c Industrial Construction BCN 4956 Study Abroad: Const** BCN 4944 Construction Internship** BCN 4775 International Construction BCN (3) Construction Equipment Second Internship MAC 2233 Calculus for Business BCN 3762 Building Construction Design and Codes BCN 4944 Construction Management Internship MAC 1105 & MAC 1114 or MAC 1147 BCN 4709 Construction Project Management Capstone ACG 2021 Principles of Financial Accounting BCN 1251 Construction Drawing BCN 3223 Soils and Foundations BCN 3224 Construction Techniques BCN 4931 Senior Seminar Construction Management PHY 2053 College Physics I College Physics I Lab PHY 2054 College Physics II College Physics II Lab Business Elective PICK ONE REE4043, MAR 3023, ACG2071 & High School Physics BCN 4431 Structural Systems BCN 4591c Mechanical & Electrical Systems OR BCN 4708 Construction Contracts & Documents BUL 3130 Legal Environment of Business ECO2013 Macroeconomics BCN 2405 Introduction to Structures BCN 4753 Construction Administration & Economics PHY 1020C ECO2023 Microeconomics MAN3025 Administrative Management BCN 4709 & BCN 4931 are co-requisites and must be taken in the student’s graduating term only All lower-level prerequisite courses must be completed before upper level BCN classes are attempted Upper-level classes can be taken in any order. However, 3000 level should be completed before 4000 level classes All upper-level classes must be taken at UNF. (BUL 3130 MUST BE TAKEN AT UNF) Indicate Prerequisites Courses Completed with C or better Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2014 ** Internship can be taken for up to 6 credit hours 3 for internship and 3 for a BCN elective selection. An extra BCN elective class can also be taken to take the place of the internship requirement. Study Abroad can be taken for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

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