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Published byMark Terry Modified over 5 years ago
Impact of "Development" on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Nepal
Advocate: Shankar Limbu
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Supreme Court Precedent relating to "Development"
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Conflict in Development
Conflict with local people relating to lands, environment and other demands (Urja Sankat Concept Paper ) Total 133 Hydro Projects in 34 Districts where IPs are densely populated including other people; (USCP-2072) 27 Transmission Lines Private Sectors, Multinational Companies, International Donors
Summary of Human Rights Concerns on Development
Collective Human Rights Violation of Individual Human Rights Non-Recognition of Indigenous Peoples, rights, concepts, concerns and voice; Rights over Lands, Territories and Resources that is essential for cultures, Traditions, Heritages, Sacred Sites, Identity, Existence, Livelihood and Survival Right to Information (Full Disclosure) about Development Activities Participation, Representation, Free Prior and Informed Consent and benefit Sharing Discrimination, Marginalization and Exclusion Right to property, Right to housing, benefit sharing Free from torture and intimidation Rehabilitation Compensation
What can be done better ??
Understand Indigenous Peoples' Concern on HR on Development
IPs have unique understanding, experience, issues and concerns over development Issues Concept/Understanding "Development" Concerns Experience
Understanding/Concept of Development of IPs
"First and foremost we are not against to 'Development' and we want that kind of development that respect our rights, identity, dignity, security, survival and equally enjoy fruit of it" The history shows that we established civilization of Kodesh (Khona:) that took thousands of year and We worry to loose it in the name of development) An elder (Naa:ye' of a Guthi, Khokana)
Framework Respect of rights (Collective and Individual)
Avoid measures that foster conflicts Engagement and Constructive Dialogues with IPs by all Actors of Development Respect of rights (Collective and Individual)
Last but not Least The Choice is ours End Poverty and share Prosperity
Prosperity for All Sustainable Peace and development Status quo We have a Choice
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