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Blood Tests White Blood Cells.

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1 Blood Tests White Blood Cells

2 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

3 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

4 White blood cells count
A white blood cell (WBC) count is a test that measures the number of white blood cells in the body.

5 Normal range of WBC count
The normal range of WBC count is : 3,500 to 10,500 White blood cells per mcL of blood in adults

6 Cases of abnormal WBC count
Causes of low WBC count : autoimmune disorders bone marrow disorders/damage lymphoma liver and spleen diseases Causes of high WBC count : smoking tumors in the bone marrow leukemia pregnancy

7 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

8 Eosinophils count The eosinophil count measures the amount of eosinophils in blood. Eosinophil are a kind of white blood cell that helps fight disease. 

9 Normal range of Eosinophils count
The normal range of Eosinophils count is : 0.02 – 0.5×10 9/L = ( 1 – 6 % )

10 Cases of abnormal Eosinophils count
Causes of low Eosinophils count : Cushing syndrome Bloodstream infections (sepsis) Treatment with corticosteroids.  Causes of high Eosinophils count : Allergic disorders Infections by parasites Certain cancers

11 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

12 Neutrophils count The Neutrophils count measures the amount of Neutrophils in blood . Neutrophils are a very important defense against most types of infection.  

13 Normal range of Neutrophils count
The normal range of Neutrophils count is : 2.0 – 7.0×10 9/L = (40 – 80 % )

14 Cases of abnormal Neutrophils count
Causes of low Neutrophils count : Problem in production of Neutrophils in bone marrow Infection Nutritional deficiency Causes of high Neutrophils count :  Acute infections Noninfectious inflammation poisoning with lead, mercury,  Acute hemorrhage

15 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

16 Basilophills count The Basilophills count measures the amount of Basilophills in blood . Basilophills are responsible for inflammatory reactions during immune response.

17 Normal range of Basilophills count
The normal range of Basilophills count is : 0.02 – 0.1×10 9/L = (< 1 – 2 % )

18 Cases of abnormal Basilophills count
Causes of low Basilophills count : Pregnancy Stress Hyperthyroidism Causes of high Basilophills count :   physical stress recent splenectomy

19 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

20 Monocytes count This test measures the amount of Monocytes in blood. Monocytes are a type of white blood cell (WBC). This test is used to evaluate and manage blood disorders

21 Normal range of Monocytes count
The normal range of Monocytes count is : 0.2 – 1.0×10 9/L = ( 2 – 10 % )

22 Cases of abnormal Monocytes count
Causes of low Monocytes count : bloodstream infection Chemotherapy bone marrow disorder Causes of high Monocytes count : chronic infections autoimmune disorders blood disorders certain cancers

23 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

24 Lymphocytes count This test measures the amount of lymphocytes in blood. A lymphocyte is one of the subtypes of white blood cell in a vertebrate's immune system. Lymphocytes include natural killer cells  T cells  and B cells 

25 Normal range of Lymphocytes count
The normal range of Lymphocytes count is : 1.0 –3.0×10 9/L = (20 – 40 % )

26 Cases of abnormal Lymphocytes count
Causes of low Lymphocytes count : Acquired lymphocytopenia Inherited lymphocytopenia Viral and bacterial infections Causes of high Lymphocytes count : Acute lymphocytic leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection

27 Outline White blood cells count Eosinophils count Neutrophils count
Basilophills count Monocytes count Lymphocytes count References

28 References

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