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Mutant fitness data for two Proteobacteria.

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1 Mutant fitness data for two Proteobacteria.
Mutant fitness data for two Proteobacteria. Fitness values for each gene as calculated using transposon insertions in the first half versus the second half (13). Each fitness value is a log2 ratio comparing the abundance of barcode abundance before and after growth selection. Genes shown in green and blue are listed in Table S4. TIGRFAM auxotrophs are predicted amino acid biosynthesis genes (20). (A) The mutant library of Sphingobium sp. GW TSB1 (Sphingo3_ML4) grown in defined medium with glucose as a carbon source. (B) The mutant library of Brevundimonas sp. GW LB2 (Brev2_ML6) grown in defined medium with glucose and a mixture of all 20 amino acids (see Materials and Methods). Hualan Liu et al. mSystems 2018; doi: /mSystems

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