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Overview of Choosing A Valued Role

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1 Overview of Choosing A Valued Role
Based on the Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Model Overview of Choosing A Valued Role and Identifying Personal Criteria Annette Backs Rutgers University Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions

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3 Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Identify roles and environments in the living, learning, working, and social environments of their choice. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Helps people with psychiatric disabilities to: Develop the skills and supports necessary for satisfaction and success.

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5 Quality of Desired Life Roles Recovery Focused Manage Disability
Psych Rehab Approach Quality of Life Desired Roles Recovery Focused Manage Disability Community

6 Psych Rehab Values Self- Dignity Worth Capacity Culturally Optimism
Determination Dignity Worth Capacity Culturally Sensitive Optimism

7 So what? Affirmation Support Collaboration
You may wonder, so wha? Why is this important to me? I may not even work with people who have psychiatric disabilities!! It’s all about HOW you work WITH people Notice the WITH in what I said. We work WITH people --we don’t decide what is best for someone else – they are the experts on their own lives We help people idenitfy their options, think through the costs and benefits –partnering with them to achieve their goals Many people we work with have a lot of experience with failure. Workplace, family, school, friends, living space. As your experience grows, you’ll see that people have a wealth of experiences. What they often haven’t had, though, is someone who supports them and reminds them of their strengths, their ability to grow, their achievements. Giving genuine affirmations helps build their belief in their own ability to be successful. Building this self-efficacy supports their work toward recovery. Which brings me to support – we come into this vocation because we like helping people. It makes us feel good when others get healthier, recover from a trauma or injury, get a job, or unite with friends or family. People often have many needs in this process –material needs, like groceries or gas money, as well as emotional and physical needs. Our role is to support people. However, we have to be careful that we are supporting, not doing for someone what they can learn to do themselves. Often it’s easier to look up something and make the call ourselves than it is to teach someone how to do it themselves. The latter, though, builds self-confidence and independence -two things we highly value. So, the SO WHAT here, is that we apply the psych rehab values and principles to how we work with people. Collaboration, affirmations, and support are just some of the ways we help people grow. Now, let’s look at the process of making these things happen. Collaboration Support

8 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Process
Consider Choose Pretty simple Figure out what area you want to change, Choose what that change will look like Do what you need, get what is needed to make it happen Hang on to it! Keep the job, maintain the living arrangement, continue eating healthy –whatever it is that is important to you in any of the environments – living, learning, working, or social Let’s look at the process in more detail Keep Get

9 Explore Choose Get Keep Activities
Explore Readiness for Change Choosing a Valued Role Assessing & Developing Skills for Role Assessing and Developing Supports for Role Achieving Role Maintaining Role Develop Confidence & Readiness Explore Choose Get Keep Ready Not Ready First look at Consider: also known as readiness• Is deciding how ready I feel to choose a living, learning, working, or social role Five factors need for change, commitment to change, awareness of options, awareness of self, support from others for the change Should look familiar –motivational interviewing Step 1: Which area do I want to focus on? --living learning working social Step 2: How happy am I with the people, place and activities there? Step 3: How well do I, and other people, think I’m doing here? Step 4: How would I rate my need to choose a valued role? Choose –this is area we will be focusing on during our 3 and 4 interviews, and choosing valued role assignment Will come back to this Get – what do I need to make what I have chosen happen - what new skills do I need? What supports would help me achieve this? Keep – How will I maintain what I have achieved? Now, lets dig deeper into the choosing part of the process, and talk more about choosing a valued role.

10 Choosing a Valued Role Choosing a Valued Role
Identify Personal Criteria Describe Alternative Environments Choose Goal Add 3 layers to empahsixe each step Making decisions is a complex process. Many of us are able to think through the various aspects of making a decision and quickly come to an answer. Not everyone has that skill, though. And, what’s more, not everyone really takes the time or thought to consider all the pieces that can make a decision successful Choosing a valued role essentially takes the decision making process apart so that it is easier to see what things are important, the options of how they can occur, and then pulling everything together into a goal. In your second recording, your subject person identified an area that she would like to change. Take a minute and think about the change your subject person identified. Which environment was the change in? Living? Like moving to a new city or apartment? Learning? Like going back to school or improving study habits. Working? Maybe they wanted a new job? Or Social – like meeting more people, starting to date, or joining a hobby group. You might want to jot the change down so you can refer to it as we move through the process of choosing a valued role. ____________layer In your third recording, you will help your subject person think through some criteria important to that area and change. We call this identifying personal criteria. For example, if I want a new job, we would talk about what that job would look like. How much money would I make? What would the people be like? What kind of tasks would I be doing? Would I work inside or outside or maybe move from one location to another throughout the day? After we determine the criteria for the job, we would consider some alternative environments relevant to that job. In the end, we want to identify the environment that best matches the personal criteria for the job. When we know exactly what we are looking for and the environment we prefer, we are ready to set a goal.

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This is a personal criteria worksheet. You will use this in your third recording. You may want to stop the presentation for a minute so that you can download a copy to practice as we discuss the worksheet.

12 1 3 2 4 Notice arrows

13 Means naming the person’s standards for judging the environment
Clarifies the characteristics of an environment that are desirable to the person. Skills: Clarifying values Analyzing experiences Inferring Personal Criteria

14 How to Examine Experiences
Example: Change Plan: I’d like to work Examine the individual’s work values Examine past work experiences Develop a list of criteria to use to find a job for the person How to Examine Values How to Examine Experiences

15 Values Questions Describe what led you to choose this answer
Tell me what is important to you about that particular answer What things stand out or are repeated in your answers that seem real important to you

16 Examining Experiences
Examines the person’s reactions to the people, places, and activities in the environment People Co-workers who are fun to be with Supervisor who will listen to me Feelings -- Happy Place --Located close to my house --Located in a pleasant neighborhood Reasons --Because it will make me feel relaxed Activities Work with people Part-time work

17 Inferring Personal Criteria
Drawing conclusions and creating standards based on the person’s values and experiences which will be used to judge alternate environments Inferring Personal Criteria Format: (People) who (specific preference) (Place or activity) that (specific preference)

18 MEANS People Places Notice arrows Activities Feelings & Reasons

19 Psych Rehab – Values & Processes Choosing a Valued Role
Summary: Psych Rehab – Values & Processes Choosing a Valued Role Choosing a Valued Role Identify Personal Criteria Describe Alternative Environments Choose Goal Making decisions is a complex process. Many of us are able to think through the various aspects of making a decision and quickly come to an answer. Not everyone has that skill, though. And, what’s more, not everyone really takes the time or thought to consider all the pieces that can make a decision successful Choosing a valued role essentially takes the decision making process apart so that it is easier to see what things are important, the options of how they can occur, and then pulling everything together into a goal. In your second recording, your subject person identified an area that she would like to change. Take a minute and think about the change your subject person identified. Which environment was the change in? Living? Like moving to a new city or apartment? Learning? Like going back to school or improving study habits. Working? Maybe they wanted a new job? Or Social – like meeting more people, starting to date, or joining a hobby group. You might want to jot the change down so you can refer to it as we move through the process of choosing a valued role. ____________layer In your third recording, you will help your subject person think through some criteria important to that area and change. We call this identifying personal criteria. For example, if I want a new job, we would talk about what that job would look like. How much money would I make? What would the people be like? What kind of tasks would I be doing? Would I work inside or outside or maybe move from one location to another throughout the day? After we determine the criteria for the job, we would consider some alternative environments relevant to that job. In the end, we want to identify the environment that best matches the personal criteria for the job. When we know exactly what we are looking for and the environment we prefer, we are ready to set a goal.

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