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A Comparison of CalSimII and CalSim3: Parallel Application of Two Planning Models
James Gilbert, PhD Nancy Parker US Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center
Outline Motivation Model setup and assumptions Comparing CSII and CS3
CSII and CS3 differencese What’s in COS? What’s in PA? Comparing CSII and CS3 Comparing scenario effects (PA-COS for each CSII and CS3) What does CS3 tell us that CSII can’t?
Motivation: Transition toward CalSim3 as primary planning tool for CVP and SWP Identify issues or refinements through comparisons In other words – start using CalSim3 What does a recent CalSimII analysis look like in CalSim3? Test case: implement RoC on LTO scenarios (we present a ‘proof of concept’ comparison of parallel CalSimII-CalSim3 studies – using recent RoC on LTO ‘Current Operations Study’ and ‘Proposed Action’ versions as the basis)
CalSim Background Long-term water resources planning models for CVP-SWP systems Assume a constant ‘level of development’ combined with historic hydrology pattern Monthly time step with layered (‘cycles’) rules within time steps System represented via LP formulation (constraints, weights, etc) CalSim3 (CS3) refines spatial resolution and hydrologic representation
CalSim3 network & domain
Water Budget Areas and Demand Units Channel and conveyance network C2VSim Groundwater model CalSim3 network & domain
RoC on LTO Scenarios “Reinitiation of Consultation on Long-Term Operations”
Current Operations Study (COS) Demonstrates applicable criteria for CVP/SWP operations today Includes D1641 and 2008 USFWS and 2009 NMFS Biological Opinion RPA’s December 12, 2018 COA decision Updates to CVP allocation and San Luis operation logic Proposed Action Study (PA) Increase operational flexibility through non-operational measures where possible to avoid adverse effects
Major Model Assumption Differences
Current Operation (COS) Proposed Action (PA) Sacramento River measures to reduce Fall-Run redd dewatering - shift in agricultural diversion timing 2006 American River Flow Management Standard 2017 American River Flow Management Standard (** not implemented in CalSim3) OMR requirements based on USFWS RPA Actions 1-3 and NMFS RPA Action IV.2.3 Risk-based OMR management incorporating real-time monitoring and models where possible Fall X2 standards based on USFWS RPA Action 4 Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gate Operation for 60 days between June and September of above normal and below normal year types Exports limited by Vernalis I:E per NMFS RPA IV.2.1 Risk-based management incorporating real-time monitoring HORB installed between September 15 and November 30 of most years when flows at Vernalis is <5,000 cfs; occasionally also between April 15 and May 30 if Delta Smelt entrainment is not a concern No HORB installed Stanislaus River Appendix 2-E flows from NMFS RPA III.1.3 Stepped release plan for Stanislaus River flows
Implementation CalSimII studies were prepared as part of Reclamation’s consultation with Federal fisheries agencies (January 2019) CalSim3 updated based on review and revisions from DWR, Stantec Code for COS and PA studies mapped to CalSim3 Variable names changed where necessary CalSimII studies set up with historical hydrology (Q0) for consistency with CalSim3
Two ways of comparing: Direct comparisons – do CalSimII and CalSim3 represent each study consistently? Compare COS to COS, PA to PA Effects comparisons – do CalSimII and CalSim3 represent the effects of the actions the same way? Tabulate the difference between PA and COS for each CalSimII and CalSim3 – how do these differences compare?
CalSimII – CalSim3 Comparisons
Operations logic mapped between CSII and CS3 Additional upstream operations in CS3 Hydrology is different Spatial refinement Land-use based demands Valley floor water budgets more complex Delta demands and salinity ANN Closure terms Expect direct mapping of CalSimII logic to CalSim3 to give the same results?
Flow Comparisons
Sacramento River at Hood – version comparison: Differences difficult to discern at monthly scale
Sacramento R at Hood – version comparison: Annual comparison shows ~330 TAF more flow in CS3 compared to CSII
Sacramento R at Hood – version comparison: CS3 monthly average flows higher in Oct, March, May, Aug
San Joaquin R at Vernalis – version comparison: High flows are lower in CS3
San Joaquin R at Vernalis – version comparison: Monthly average pattern: CS3 most different in October - April
Delta Outflow – version comparison: Differences dominated by Sacramento and Eastside inflows
Delta Outflow: CSII – CS3 differences are dominated by increased Sacramento and Eastside inflows in CS3
Delta Outflow – version comparison: Differences dominated by Sacramento and Eastside inflows
Delivery Comparisons
CVP SOD Ag Delivery – version comparison: Different demands -> different deliveries
CVP SOD Ag Delivery – version comparison: Demand pattern differences throughout year
CVP SOD Ag Delivery – scenario comparison: Benefits to delivery in both CSII and CS3
CVP SOD Ag Delivery – scenario comparison: Timing of increased PA delivery not the same in CS3
Storage Comparisons
Folsom – version comparison: Greater dry year drawdowns in CalSim3; Higher storage in average years
Folsom – version comparison: CalSim3 storage higher in summer and fall
Folsom – scenario comparison: CSII PA has greater storage increase compared to CS3
Groundwater Comparisons
Groundwater representation is simplified (or absent) in CalSimII
CalSim3 coupled with C2VSim finite element mesh, stream reaches, and pumping/recharge Groundwater pumping in CS3 has consequences Explicit spatial representation of drawdown Stream-groundwater interactions along main waterways
SOD Groundwater Pumping – scenario comparison Delivery increases reduce pumping
SOD Stream-Groundwater– scenario comparison Combination of reduced pumping and different channel flows yields mix of groundwater exchange effects
Stream-Groundwater Interactions: Modified Stanislaus flows affect groundwater exchange
Summary Scenario analysis is feasibly implemented in CalSim3
Differences in CalSim3 analysis result from increased resolution, refined hydrology Simple mapping of CalSimII code to CalSim3 not sufficient – will need scenario-specific adaptation The way to make CalSim3 a comparable tool – start using and testing it!
Looking ahead… CalSim3 expands scope of what can be included in scenario analysis For example: land fallowing impacts to consumptive use and delivery; groundwater as an additional ‘reservoir’ Ongoing refinements: Water quality (salinity) in San Joaquin Allocation and other system logic testing Tulare expansion (Lauren Thatch’s presentation – next) The way to make CalSim3 a comparable tool – start using and testing it!
James Gilbert USBR – Technical Service Center
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