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RESEARCH PROJECTS Digital Piracy Laws Concerning Cryptography

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH PROJECTS Digital Piracy Laws Concerning Cryptography"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH PROJECTS Digital Piracy Laws Concerning Cryptography
Cryptography in World War II

2 Research Project #1 Piracy Two sides of the story
Incidents that have happened Piracy laws, copyright issues What happens in other countries How to prevent it – in physical world and in digital world

3 Research Project #2 Laws Concerning Cryptography
Two sides of the story Incidents that have happened Laws concerning export of cryptographic tools What happens in other countries

4 Research Project #3 Cryptography in World War II
Some history: Who was involved, allies,… Cryptographic tools used Enigma Bletchley Park

5 Project Deadlines Due Tuesday, September 8 Due Tuesday, September 15
Division of the projects in each group Due Tuesday, September 15 A one-page typed report of what you have researched this far Due Tuesday, September 22 A typed report of resources (books, articles, websites) Due Tuesday, October 6 Presentation and the report for the group Due Tuesday, October 13 Typed reports on what you learned from other presentations

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